The most complete horoscope on the scales. Scales - Tiger

The most complete horoscope on the scales. Scales - Tiger

The horoscope of the scales for 2021 promises many pleasant surprises, but there will be a lot of experiences. This sign is like weights jumping high, but sometimes it can scare those around their behavior and fall to indecency. That is why the surrounding will often not understand you. Libra wait for strength tests, need to protect their relationship, honor and its territory from encroachment. Only attentiveness and wisdom will help to resist the problems.

Closer to the middle of spring for the horoscope for 2021, the scales will understand that it is more important for them. Those, representatives of the sign, who after many efforts, give up and empty the hands waiting for a negative confluence. They can lose office, fall into depression, divorce. A detailed horoscope of the scales for 2021 promises in the second half of the year the rise of the life tone, manifestation of excessive activity, so you still have to get better.

Love horoscope Weighs

Despite such unpredictable character and chaotic actions, this sign cannot live without love and warm family atmosphere. However, the invented inner world will interfere in every way. You can't wait to create, but the result does not please you. Work regularly need yourself, because according to the horoscope weighs for 2021 it will be possible to meet my fate. But what is needed for this fateful meeting? Naturally, everything depends on you. Serious relationships will be in a difficult position, because you will constantly think about everything.

Sagittarius live without fanaticism, and then soon everyone is running away from you. In the spring, in the end, in the end, because soon you do not even call anyone and not to invite anywhere. Discharge on all sorts of friends to help you in a relationship with the opposite sex. And not in vain, because thanks to the initiative of your friends, at the end of the year you can celebrate your beloved person. In the summer, you need to relax more. Also concerns the representatives of the scale of scales, which is in relationships. Love Horoscope Scales for 2021 with the arrival of autumn promises a large number of dating, pleasant meetings.

Family horoscope for weights

In the new year, try more time spends in family circle. Despite the fact that at work you are loaded above the roof, try to allocate time to your favorite children. Naturally in the House of Conflict Budge less, and you are useful to switch to home care.

Relationships with her husband, I can not be called impeccable, but there will definitely not be soaked and screams on trifles. In this case, show restraint, patience, because the family is more important. Despite the little things of the life of the scales, the interconnection in the family expects, because the relatives will eventually notice your efforts. Also this year you will help your parents, just do not ignore their requests and do not learn their lives. After all, you yourself are not ideal. If you have long been puzzled by the birth of a child, this year has to replenish in the family. Family horoscope For weights, it recommends to make long forgotten domestic affairs, for example, repair. On joys when buying a new furniture, do not spend all the accumulated funds, because the main thing in life will save family warmth and comfort, and do not buy new and expensive things in the house.

Horoscope lonely weights

Even when a romantic horoscope helps you find your perfect companion of life, it is still not to mean that everything is smooth in the relationship. You have too a bigger character, so you will rather be only a worsening relationship.

In April, the scales may feel devastation, but soon the new tide will come. At first they will not know where to do excess energy and will be in a state of irritation for a long time. Lonely weights in 2021, the horoscope recommends not to focus on the amourous affairs, but to dive with your head into labor weekdays. Thus, they will be able to distract and prevent the appearance of depression. You will not notice how time will fly and suddenly meet a person with whom you can build a family nest.

Horoscope health scales

The year of the white metal monkey promises problems with the liver - stop drinking fat and alcohol, otherwise you have a straight road to the hospital bed. Horoscope health for weights for 2021 advises also avoid insect bites, there is a huge chance to get allergies, and with the consequences for life. The emergence of strong headaches is not excluded, so dress warm and do not forget about the headdress. It is categorically forbidden to engage in self-medication using herbs. Better contact the clinic. For older scales, after the fifty-year-old age, problems with the urinary and sexual system may occur. The advice is only one to be able to choose the time from work and rest for the body to have time to relax. Boldly go on vacation at any convenient opportunity and after resting with new forces, proceed to work.

Career and Finance

Horoscope career and finance recommends not to miss the opportunity to raise the reputation and achieve more at work. Those scales that will be able to show themselves throughout the year waiting for a huge success. Therefore, you can embody your cherished dream and make a favorite thing - to open a small but profitable business. Horoscope Career and Finance recommends to do charity. So you can show what you are capable of other people, and not requiring in return. A good-natured monkey will help you with it, and you will be pleasantly awarded at the end of the year for our merits. Financial horoscope for 2021 years for weights of men does not recommend to idle and pass the money into the money. In some representatives of the sign, because of such a zeal, the adventure will not remain a penny. In addition, your impeccable reputation will suffer. Work, work and once again work.

General forecast for weights for 2021

A little strange, but very talented and intricate zodiac sign. In the new year, it is necessary to wait a bit, working hard for the benefit of the family. After all, soon all this will return only with best side. It will take a little bit away, take yourself in hand and cope with all the difficulties and troubles at home and at work. As they say, everything is in your hands, you build happiness or intentionally avoid solving problems. Therefore, try as soon as possible in life, so that this year gave you only good surprises. Try to maintain a good relationship with your colleagues, because not everyone loves you, there are envious. Fortunately, you have friends who will support you and you will be able to survive sometimes unpleasant moments in your life. As for lonely weight, they are time to decide on the relationship closer from the autumn. It is at this time that they will be able to start a serious relationship and probably most of them will soon prepare for the wedding.

Horoscope women scales

Horoscope Scales for a woman appreciates you as an open book, but all people, in particular, friends can fully understand what kind of person you are. At the same time, quite simple and complex, so they are often called the mystery of nature. Your task this year to docle yourself, your character. After all, it will be the reason for conflicts in the family and in the circle of friends. Remember, expensive scales, you are not entitled to change the opinion and impose your own person. Such stupid behavior can spoil your life. It is not surprising that you have constant discrepancies with all people, after all, to listen, respecting another person still needs to be able to. Show restraint, silent and see that relations with your loved one and the family will be put up.

There is a huge chance that after the next conflict you will remain alone. In the spring and summer you can do important things, settle problems at work, in the family. This period of time is considered to be a certain lull of rapid emotions of scales. This year you must collect and implement your dyed projects in reality. As for new meetings, novels, it is better to postpone, since a serious relationship is not always happened to the first counter. Only excerpt, patience will help in 2021 by a white metal monkey reach harmony in all spheres of life. For women's weights, it will be a whole test, but at least they can appreciate and see themselves from the outside.

Horoscope Men Scales

With the onset of the New Year will be able to carry out a dream, provided that financially investigate. Since the monkey does not like lazy people of some scales signs, she can teach. So, you can stay with anything. Be careful, because partners must be proven over the years. Better still contact your friends. Moreover, you are an excellent organizer and this year your energy will be overwhelmed, especially working issues. Men perspective with you in front of your nose. You can easily cope with small difficulties and show yourself even more before the boss. You have a lot of wonderful qualities, so this year should not forget to actively show them in life. You will be surrounded by both like-minded people and tricks.

When choosing partners, you risk getting into the team and ill-wishers, so be more careful. Astrologers, folding accurate horoscope For 2021 years, men, they advise you to count on intuition, trust only yourself. Do not forget also about the family, so they are ready to help you in a difficult moment and support. Rejoice in their joint travel, resting in nature. Try to communicate more with your children so that they know how you love them and appreciate.

The horoscope scales of 2018 predicts an uncomfortable and interesting period, so they will not be a special reason for experiences. On February 16, a yellow dog will enter into its rights, with which scales will not only be enjoyed, but will be able to implement conceived together. If sometimes an earthen dog and leaving loudly, then only in order to warp the scales from the rash actions.

Horoscope for weights for 2018 promises a good financial situation. Not only stable profits are expected, but also a successful investment in favorable projects. Already in March, the dog will tell the weights where the treasure with gold coins buried. The main thing is to find a large container for money to accumulate a decent amount for summer holidays and gifts to loved ones. Proposals, transactions and important meetings will be many.

Weighs from joy will even spin the head, although the dog will make sure that they do not come for and did not fall under the influence of mercenary personalities. In March and April 2018, the scales will come home with roses with fans and admirers of their talents.

Horoscope for 2018 for weights does not advise to go on the feelings. Otherwise, they are thoroughly confused in love dates and will mow the opportunity to create strong relationships. Lonely scales will be able to meet a loved one, if you look at your surroundings. The right and honest dog will tell them in which direction to move and, with whom to communicate to be in the power of the present and sincere feeling.

Horoscope for scales For 2018, the dog predicts a lot of pleasant surprises and news with married couple. In order to equip your housing for the highest category, you need to take care of the repair, redevelopment and purchase of the necessary building materials. For those scales that recently entered into marriage, in the family in 2018 well, and if you do not yet have a family replenishment plans, you can go rest and organize a cruise for the Mediterranean. The dog is already collecting suitcases, so do not change their mind.

Horoscope for 2018 years of weight promises in the beginning of summer household and household troubles. If you manage with them quickly, then you can fully relax. After all, in September we will deal with competitors. If they do not manage to cope with them, it is better to look for influential people. But it should not be afraid, because it will always be near and help the scales to solve complex problems.

In early October and until mid-November 2018, the scales will not appear for a minute. Works will be so much that there will be no time for a holiday. This is especially true of those scales that opened their business. They will have a new office to equip, make repairs and look for partners. By the way, do not forget to put money in interest in a reliable bank. The horoscope scales 2018 promises in December a decent profit, which can be spent on personal needs, trips and family. It does not matter what direction for recreation will choose the scales, the main thing is that households support your offer and drove together with them.

Mood and well-being in the scales at the end of 2018 will be excellent. Not surprising, because you have new flat, Machine and lover. Career growth will affect financial position and will make it possible to achieve desirable goals. Yellow dog will not leave weights without a decent salary and honorary position.

Horoscope for weights for 2018 advises first thinking, and then make actions. In pursuit of career and money, you can lose much, so the stop in the way and the temporary pass is necessary. Websola you can take an example from a moving dog that knows everything and chases only for what she really needs. To preserve health, you should not forget about the measures of prevention and proper nutrition.

The horoscope for 2018 for weights recommends to comply with savings even if the temptations will buy something to buy something. One thing to spend finances for family needs, and something else "pull out a decent amount of entertainment. Websites need to be careful in commercial affairs, but to open your business the dog does not advise at all in 2018. Frequent business trips and flights on official affairs are possible, which will make little households. But if the scales are emotionally restrained and reasonable, they will be able to convince relatives in the need of trips and employment.

Horoscope Love Scales 2018

The Horoscope of Love for Libra for 2018 promises a meeting with a new chosen one. But if you constantly think through everything and plan, then love will pass the party. Real feelings come from the heart, so you need to listen to the voice of the mind only in emergency cases. The dog advises the scales to rely on intuition, so as not to view the "his" person. Free scales can get acquainted with the chosen one who uses them for their own mercenary purposes.

Horoscope Scales 2018 should be pacified and passionate gusts. Otherwise, a loved one will consider you too frivolous and non-permanent. As a result, a quarrel and separation may occur. Often they are on their wave of positive, but sometimes it is worth considering the mood of the surrounding people.

Horoscope for scales for 2018 predicts a stable income that will help strengthen relationships with the chosen one. Of course, the speech here is not about mercantility. But if the scales are hardworking and responsible, then these qualities will well affect the relationship and weather in the house. Male scales are not averse to muggle on the side, which can negatively affect them with a regular partner. But to upload your guilt, do not suck on dear gifts and decorations for your loved one.

Family Horoscope Scales for 2018

Family horoscope Scales for 2018 advises spending more time at home, with family and children. Even if you have a full breath at work, you still be attentive and a little to loved one. Then the scandals in the family will be less and pleasant surprises more.

Ideal relationship with your spouse can not be called, but the quarrels and disputes on household soil can be avoided. If the scales are compliant and calmer, they will be able to keep comfort and comfort in the house. Moreover, reasons for jealousy and pick-up on both sides will be at least. Horoscope for 2018 for weights predicts respect and admiration for relatives who will celebrate your diligence and generosity. Only occasionally remove the crown from the head so as not to turn into a home despot and tyrant.

In 2018, weights need to be softer and communicable with households. If the elderly relatives will call you with requests to help and support, then do not refuse. Less criticize and scold the spouse due to small mistakes. You yourself are far from perfect. Horoscope for scales For 2018, the dog promises in some families replenishment. You already thought Stork about you forgot, and then such a miracle! Just do not rush to tell everyone about pregnancy ahead of time.

Horoscope for 2018 years of weight recommends thoroughly to repair the apartment and buy a cottage outside the city. Especially if all this has been in your plans. Choose the interior style and new furniture together with relatives so that there is no disagreement in tastes. The dog does not advise to buy expensive and too extravagant things for the house, because comfort and heat depends not from material values.

Health Horoscope Scales for 2018

Horoscope for scales For 2018, the dog recommends more often listen to its body. If you get sick, do not engage in self-medication, and immediately refer to experienced specialists. Even with a cold folk Methods may be less effective than those drugs and procedures that the doctor will appoint.

First of all, the baby's favor of scales will be sprinkled in the field of finance - the pets of Venus thought that it was so beautiful and amazingly, as last year, would no longer be. You were mistaken, already in March you will go under cash rain, and you will only feel about what they did not capture a large container under the bills. Transactions, contracts, negotiations, and sea or even the ocean of profitable proposals.

Here any sign of the zodiac will be sprinkled, and impressionable scales will forget about everything in the world. But it is not necessary to do this, in the middle of spring, a good dealer of 2018 will give the pets of Venus to the whole WHO love adventure.

Communication with Cupid Air signs can at least all year, but the choice will still have to do. This applies to free scales - the fans know everything about you, and, of course, they read this horoscope. Families created in the year of dogs will be strong and friendly, and this is not surprising, because the yellow mistress of 2018 is faithful and devoted, and besides, she adores traditions.

Well, a family scales, an earthen dog prepared surprises of another plan - buy construction materials for children's rooms - storks are not going to change the route, and many of you are waiting for surprises. If the scales do not dream of heirs, or at home they run grandchildren, then send energy to improving relationships with households - Earth's Earth Plogging Many Soviets (however, you will have to learn the dog's language).

Spring and summer will fly for pleasant family troubles, and in September it will have to think about things - cunning competitors are activated. But the scales do not embarrass this - there is enough connections, and any rival is only as far as it finds out what important and solid people patronize the air guys (and not only people, because the dog itself stands on the guard of your well-being).

Vacation will have to postpone until winter - the whole October and November weight will work like bees. That office to buy out, then repairing in the new building to do, or arrange a banquet for all business partners - there is no resorts here. Cash will stop, but do not panic - you are waiting for another fun: finding reliable banks for your capital.

When December 2018 comes, the scales will live on interest - part can spend on family needs, including a new wardrobe for yourself, and the rest of the money will entertain somewhere on the sea coast. Go for Bali, smiling aborigines Migom will raise your spirits, and bucks will be enough for souvenirs, and for all sorts of procedures.

By the end of 2018, some scales will achieve stunning results - in a new booth with the size of the Kremlin, the heirs are running out, the kitchen cottons a personal cook, and the pets themselves are sitting in the office and think: what else to ask for a good and generous yellow dog?

Love forecast for scales for 2018

Want to get into the list of the most beautiful people of the planet? Contact fans, and they will arrange it in two bills, because you are incredibly charming.

On the love sky is sunny, but there are tuchs - when the chosen is peeing jealousy. Your charm is rapid, and you need to be stone to not notice. Fans in the year of the dog are ready to make you on the bears (they are masked under the old women, and they are gently seeds). You will have to negotiate with local granny - let them accelerate the rivers.

In 2018, your life will be similar to the series - there are so many sweets even in culinary departments. True, the cerebral speeches of the fans will soon be annoyed, and you yourself are surrounding the explosion into the registry office. Air guys everywhere will take place without a queue - the wars sent a photo of scales into all the wedding palaces, in case you are not released if you suddenly change your mind.

Your time has come - in the year of the dog you will see the masters of Flirt, and the geniuses of flirts. True, it will seem that there are too many palaces of marriage in your area - there are couples in wedding outfits everywhere. Maybe this is fate, and it's time to think about creating a family? Fans are not against, they already bought rings and balloons.

Business Horoscope for Scales for 2018

Something rustling and rods - this is just a cash rain. Consider your dear umbrella and go to collect the harvest.

Scales 1 decade (September 24 - October 3) Stylists from a fashionable sentence have already grabbed the phones and are waiting for your call - it's time to like. You are now business people, and you need to match the status. Watch out for capital - in the year of the dog, the scales are lucky on favorable deals, and at meetings with fraudsters. Although, competitors compared to weights, unreasonable kids, because you are real business sharks.

Scales 2 decades (October 4-19) In 2018, you will have interesting partages - it's time to shine talents in completely new activities. Before the summer, the money is desirable to save, and only then you can relax and start spending - even the oligarchs will be shocked, and green from anger and envy. Having become a millionaire to a cocktail - let the real rich behave how to behave.

Scales 3 decades (October 14-23) Where is wealth, there and scales, and on the contrary - admit, do you have a scent on gold? Intuition in the year of the dog is stronger than those of psychics combined - that and look, you will be recorded in the sorcerers, and you will see for advice even strong Mira of this Well, and what, also the business, most importantly, do not give profitable deals to the right and left.

Family horoscope for scales for 2018

The family for weights stands in the first place, and you will do everything so that the relationship with homemade has become perfect - it will be the main thing, more often to indulge the relatives of surprises.

Scales 1 decade (September 24 - October 3) The family boat of the scales is not afraid of life and rock called Jealousy - in the year of the dog the situation is perfect. The chosen one performs all your whims, kids go beyond you, as tied, and households are about to compile a laudatory song in your honor and fulfill her choir. Didn't you frightened? Then wake the crown - the role of the head of the family to your face.

Scales 2 decades (October 4-19) You guys demanding, but in 2018, self-criticism is welcomed - find a couple of flaws. The household will appreciate this act, the situation in the family is stabilized, and the relationship will become much warmer. By the way, get ready for a meeting with Aistami - the yellow dog whispered that the kids born in her year will be strong and clever.

Scales 3 decades (October 14-23) In the year of the earthen dog you will have only one occasion for anxiety - the repair of the dwelling. Favorite chosen one dreams of an African style, kids want a fabulous castle with labyrinths, and older households are about to call in Phasenda. Look for a compromise, and remember - all relatives listen to your opinion, and you can lick a little.

Horoscope Health for Scales for 2018

Do not consider yourself cracked people in the matters of medicine, and do not really trust the programs about health - listen to specialists, and the body will say thank you.

Scales 1 decade (September 24 - October 3) The dog reminds: Immunity is strengthened not only in the cold season. Fruits should always be on the table, and vegetables too - even if you have a dumplings, health from vitamins will not worsen. You can also harden the hardening, only to dive into the hole without preparation is undesirable - consult with the competent guys from the walrus society.

Scales 2 decades (October 4-19) Someone exhausts themselves with diets, some do not get out of the gyms, and the weights at least hens are always in great shape. But you can't relax you to relax - rest on the sofa for lazy people, and you are not so. Start a pet (dog, for example), do in flower growing, or learn to embroider with a cross - nerves will be like steel ropes.

Scales 3 decades (October 14-23) Recreation and labor is not at all empty words as you used to think. After work, do not run to shops for goodies, but travel to nature - fresh air will cure from any ailments. And the main thing is positive, learn from the dog, the mistress of 2018 does not know how to lose heart. You can go on sports at your leisure - on running tracks are allowed for free.

Horoscope for small scales for 2018

Your air inventors in the year of dogs will be quieter of water, and below the grass - do not share, small scales are preparing for the grand sages.

Tyventants scales 1 decade (September 24 - October 3) Air fidgets in 2018 can compete with Sherlock Holmes - to hide candy from small detectives is simply meaningless. But this is also the benefit - the restless chads will find the grandmother's glasses, or the keys to the car that dad sowed. Develop the talent of children, perhaps in the future, ingenious offspring will open a detective agency.

Baby Scales 2 decades (October 4-19) Your detensign will open the abilities of financiers - take them with you to the store, no one will deceive with the surrender. Having gave up pocket money to the uson - by the end of the year, the capital will accumulate capital (it will be possible to take them to buy a car). Act carefully, otherwise the smart kids even go to bed only for a certain remuneration.

Little scales 3 decades (October 14-23) The scales will surprise you with their restlessness and cheerfulness - even if there is a blizzard on the street, or a terrible shower, air bastards will rush to walk. We will have to obey small travelers - they dream to explore not only the nearest courtyard. Buy a restless chadam map of the world - chalwany in a month will unlighten the school program on geography.

Horoscope 2018 scales of birth

Horoscope for 2018 year Scales - rat

The dog will become a true friend and assistant for you. At least in the financial world you are undoubted lucky. With income and spending grow, but rat weights can afford anything. Learn to be rich - why rent an office, if you can buy a building with the staff, and whether to take wedding outfitif capital is enough to buy a wedding palace?

Horoscope for 2018 year Scales - Bull

The year of the dog will pass with a plus sign - the stars are not mistaken. Scales-bulls will not be bored, and run to a red rag - to anyone and in the head will not come to tease and provoke you. Even competitors will move on your side and become the most faithful allies. Personal life is full of surprises - restless fans climb on the rocks, jump with parachute, and even teach chineseif only you would surprise.

Horoscope for 2018 year Scales - Tiger

You are practical guys, and you know what you want - the dog will certainly appreciate it. Scales-tigerat can change the skirt on a solid suit of the boss, but the role of the manager will quickly bore. This problem is solved - open your business and you will be the owners and subordinates themselves. It will not be left for a personal life of time, and she in 2018 is rich in romance - arrange the elect by the secretary so that it is always next.

Horoscope for 2018 year Scales - cat (rabbit)

It is time to know the charms of secular life - the weights-cats itself charm, and you are waiting for all fashionable parties. There, the chosen one will pick up if you are certainly free from obligations. But if the family is waiting for the family and delicious dinner, there is no time to entertain - the relative of the dog dreams of a grand repairs. Well, what: money wagon, friends are ready to put off and drill - Command!

Horoscope for 2018 Year Scales - Dragon

In the year of dog, dragonfly dogs will become extraordinarily sentimental - no one can guess, in the year of which animal you were born. But your sensitivity to others like others is ready to defend you. Although save you not from whom - competitors realized that with you the jokes are bad, and personally stuck a red carpet on career staircase. Fans are fainted at all from your charm - do not turn into.

Horoscope for 2018 Year Scales - Snake

Choose a cozy place and turn the glomerulum - a yellow dog will not be offended. In 2018, the snake scales will show talents in many areas, but in creativity you will especially succeed. The main thing is not to be afraid to advertise the most fantastic ideas, because all the geniuses initially seem to the eccentrics. On the love front, everything is not bad, but try not to play fans on the feelings - you are very impressionable.

Horoscope for 2018 year Scales - horse

For you, life is a fascinating game, and in the year of the dog it is especially noticeable. Scales horses will be ahead of the most prudent competitors, but there is danger - some will want to harm your reputation. Create useful links - influential familiar MiG will figure it out with intrigans. Some of you will pull on the adventure in the love sphere - the fans are only glad, and they are not even going to arrange the scenes of jealousy.

Horoscope for 2018 Year Scales - Goat (Sheep)

Stubborn and at the same time frivolous - it's all about you, scales-goats. In the year of the dog you will be able to show the best qualities - when you need, you and the horns show, and if there is no danger, you will become fluffy. Someone will call you with cunning, but the stars know that it is not so - the scales are ingeniously adapting to the circumstances. The business world is delighted - wait for favorable sentences, at the same time the wedding is sopping.

Horoscope for 2018 year Scales - Monkey

Little personal island, his yacht with a pretty captain - how do you like this alignment? Monkey scales All 2018 will walk in the dog in pets. Before your magnetism is impossible to resist - the boss is ready to become your secretary, if only you smiled more often. In your personal life, solid surprises are half already nearby, you immediately learn it (if, of course, she does not wait for you at home at the window).

Horoscope for 2018 year Scales - Rooster

In the year of the dog, the main thing is to choose a goal, and there it will go, like oil. Scales-cocks are born with a crown on the head, and it is not surprising that in 2018 it is waiting for honors and glory. To avoid communicating with hypocrites, try to listen to intuition - most of you are clairvoyants, you just didn't know about it. Psychic abilities We will be useful in the love sphere - you will like to read the thoughts of fans.

Horoscope for 2018 Year Scales - Dog

In 2018, the life of the dog weights will be similar to a fairy tale. Yellow ruler of the year will do everything so that you have had a new warm booth and a beautiful collar inlaid by precious pebbles. And with love you will deal with yourself - fans flirting, chief tenderness, and household attention. You can and think about the heirs - amazing strollers were brought to the next store.

Horoscope for 2018 Waigs - Pig (boar)

You know how to be content with small, but in the year of the dog, this quality is not useful - in the life of the weights-boars there will be plenty of weight. Works are full, money wagon, and no fans have a number. It remains to think about rest. Where do you want? Sochi, Belokurikha, or Seychelles are at your service. Yellow prince of the year takes care of everything. And you buy a swimsuit, and skiing at the same time - you yourself do not know where you will be brought.

The year of the yellow dog will leave a good trail in the life of the scales. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac will feel the need for change, so they spread up with everything that has a negative impact on the mood and state of health.

You need to be patient, try not to succumb to provocations, which will be quite a lot, and be sure to use all the chances sent by fate. Quickly quickly from the horizon will disappear all troubles, and things will be quite successful. Scales will be able to preserve sincere equilibrium and inner harmony, thanks to which they will easily overcome any difficulties.

Yellow Dog Year

The beginning of the year will be not the best period in life, but the first days of January will bring change. Most likely, the scales will decide to quit the unloved work, which has already started to annoy strongly, the state of health is satisfactory, there is a gradual establishment of relations in the family.

This decision may be quite complicated, but luck will be accompanied by weights next month, thanks to which they can raise new level disability. Representatives of this zodiacal sign will be able to carry out old plans that were constantly postponed and improved their financial situation.

With the onset of Spring, the desire will come to engage in creativity, the stars advise not to catch such gusts. Most of the scales will give preference to the artist's profession and will be able to achieve sufficient success in this area. But at this time there may be small disagreements between the weights and the second half, and large quarrels will lead to a complete rupture of relations. But soon it becomes clear that this desire turned out to be erroneous, and the scales will use any opportunity to correct the situation and return the beloved person.

In May, small difficulties may appear at work, but the scales will be able to cope with them in just a few days, of course, if they won't postpone the solution to the problem. It is just necessary to study the question and enlist the support of colleagues who will gladly offer their help.

Throughout the summer, Fortuna will become a faithful satellite of scales, but small problems may appear in July. Increased loads and frequent stays in stressful situations can lead to deterioration of moral and physical health.

Stars advise you to plan holidays in July, as it is the perfect time for active pastime. The study of new countries and traveling in the tropical corners of our planet will give a lot of pleasant and unforgettable impressions. The most joyful will be a romantic trip to the company with a loved one.

For representatives of the Says Sign Summer promises to be quite a good and prosperous period. All problems and trouble will be bypass until November. Some signs of the sign will be solved on some risky act in personal life or business. At the same time, they will be able to demonstrate all their best qualities that are not always noticeable to others - purposefulness, self-confidence, the desire is always and in everything to be the first and best, and of course, loyalty. It is these features that will conquer a loved one. On the eve of the new year, the stars advise time in the second half's society.

Business Horoscope Scales for 2018

Some scales will take a high position, they may take advantage of their position for mercenary purposes. But you need to be extremely careful and attentive, because only one wrong step can lead to exposure and will soon have to do active search for work.

Horoscope Scales for 2018

The representatives of the sign that work in the art of art in 2018 will be able to achieve quite great success - there are popularity, large fees and excellent prospects for further development.

Financial Horoscope Scales for 2018

Scales to finance are pretty frivolous, but at the same time they will not start counting the earnings or bother to entertainment. In 2018, quite successful projects will be waiting, which will bring good, but stable income.

Representatives of this zodiac sign will lead useful acquaintances with influential people, so they can absolutely not worry because of their own future. Quite a lot of spending is to have time during rest, because scales love comfort and prefer the fashionable hotels and will never be stored on souvenirs. Representatives of this sign never regretted it, and all will enjoy life.

But the scales also love to spend money on alcohol, gambling and a variety of useless purchases that raise the mood. As a result, the risk of ruin will appear, so the stars advise to learn to control their own desires.

At the end of autumn, many representatives of the sign risk becoming a victim of a major financial scam, which will be frequent guest In the courtroom. The horoscope advises to be extremely attentive and prudent, one should not hold any financial operations with unfamiliar personalities. New partners may be unfair.

Literally from the first days of 2018, the scales will be so much passionate about the work that neither the forces will remain to take care of their own health. Permanent stress and nerve overvoltages can negatively affect the general condition of the body.

There is a chance that the feeling of chronic fatigue will appear closer to the spring, frequent nervous breakdowns may occur, there will be an exacerbation of the diseases of the digestive and circulatory system. In the last month of spring, hypertension or vascular dystonia can be disturbed.

Health Horoscope Scales for 2018

In some cases, malaise can lead to the need for inpatient treatment. Significantly increases the risk of genital diseases and eyes in the afternoon. Immediately after the first signs of the deterioration of health, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, otherwise a light malaise will turn into a serious problem, and treatment may take several months.

Love Horoscope Scales for 2018

In the personal life of the scales in 2018, they are waiting for both falls and ups. In the first half of the year, representatives of this zodiacal sign will spend a lot of time in a circle of family and the same relationship is expected from the second half.

Scales will strive for complete understanding, thanks to which they can see a partner completely in a different light. However, this will not always be exactly positive. Excellent sign representatives can suspect their chosen one in treason, which will bring a lot of experiences, and in some cases a full break of relationships will occur.

Single personality from the first days of 2018 will begin active search for their second half, wanting to meet a relative soul. But the appropriate person will not meet soon, because the requirements for the second half rapidly rose. Representatives of this sign will begin to attract non-standard and bright individuals with a subtle mental organization than not all will boast. The scales will begin to dream of the sublime feelings, which is why a real person can miss, with whom they could tie a strong and happy relationship.

In June or July to life will enter new person With a bright and rich spiritual world, and will be able to take a place in the heart of these personalities. In addition, the new chosen one will seriously affect the views of the scales, but only them will depend on them, will be changed negative or positive. Many scales will simply obey the authority of the new partner. Also with the filing of your beloved person, they can begin to engage in spiritual practice or interest in religion.

With the onset of spring will begin to gradually weaken and influence the second half. Scales will feel the irresistible desire for new acquaintances and romantic relationships. They will want to start new relationships in which the main role will play. Most likely, the scales will be interested in a young colleague, next to which they will feel mentors.

The disorder in the relationship can occur closer to the end of the year, since the second half will suspect that constant ability of weights in the evenings and long-term meetings at work is the most real deception.

If representatives of this sign are decided to change their partner, it will know about it in the fall. In most cases, a non-lifting intrigue is waiting for weights, but as a result they risk staying without moral and financial support from the second half. This can be a serious impact strike, so in December there are several options for the development of events in December - humility with loneliness or the beginning of the active search for a new partner, which will provide the necessary material support.

2018 is ideal for official design relationship. It is regardless of how strong the life of the scales are experiencing to their second half, they never rush under the crown. If the marriage is concluded under pressure, it can completely destroy harmony in a pair. But a joint relocation or pregnancy will be a serious reason for an accelerated official design of relationships. The ideal time for the wedding will be the period from April and until the end of August. If the ceremony is planned for autumn or winter, the family will fall apart after a few months.

Horoscope Male Scales for 2018

In 2018, Men Weights will achieve great achievements in the career. Throughout the year, they will focus as much as possible on the target, but sometimes small shortcomings and minor mistakes will meet, which will not be able to avoid.

The most important and important achievement of men will be the desire to open your own business and start a new business. Already closer to the summer, they will receive a worthy remuneration for all efforts and will be able to take a higher and promising position.

If men's scales have the same mood until the end of the year, a unique opportunity will appear to acquire his own home or expensive car.

Horoscope Women Scales for 2018

Already from the first days of 2018, women will want to feel defenseless and weak, trying to fully rely only on their soul mate. Winter will be the most serene, calm and measured time, but this period will end after a few months. This can happen due to the possibility of treason of women's weights.

As a result, constant scandals and quarrels will begin, and, besides, the scales are completely not guilty of anything, therefore should not be justified. But the second half of women will be constantly jealous, because of which the relationship can be completely destroyed and the pair will discern.

With the onset of summer, the wonderful representatives of the sign will start paying more attention to their appearance. At the same time, many are solved on the cardinal steps and make plastic surgery. But in some cases it will be enough just to adjust its food, otherwise it will have to change the entire wardrobe.

By the end of the year, it will be possible to get acquainted with a bright and interesting person who can reveal the true potential of the feelings of romantic women of scales.

Horoscope scales 2018 year of birth

(1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 birthday)

Throughout 2018, the dog will be a safe friend and helpers in any endeavors. The most successful promises to be the financial sphere of life. It will happen not only increasing income, but will grow spending.

Compatibility Scales - Rat

However, rat weights will be able to afford everything that they want. Stars advise to learn how to be rich - it is not necessary to rent a small office for your company, because you can buy a whole building.

Scales - Bull

(1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 Year)

Stars will do everything possible so that the year of the yellow dog is successful and profitable. Scales - bulls will stop responding to a red rag and constantly beatted, because none of those around him will dare to tease them. Even competitors will take their direction and will soon be able to become loyal and reliable allies. In the privacy of the star prepared many surprises and pleasant surprises. Many scales will be surprised, with what enthusiasm fans will care for them, because they will be decided even on a parachute jump in order to please these pick-up and restless personalities.

Scales - Tiger

(1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 birthday)

Weigh-tigers are practical personalities and always know what they really want. It is this quality that will attract the attention of a yellow dog. In 2018, these individuals will be able to take a guideline post, but the role of the authorities will quickly bother. This problem is very simple, you need to open your own business and independently lead the project. There will be almost no time for a personal life, but in 2018 there are a lot of romance in 2018, besides, you can arrange your second half secretary to always be near.

Scales - Kot.

(1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 birthday)

The scales born in the year of the cat will be able to demonstrate all their best qualities and become welcome guests on any fashionable partner. Free individuals will be able to meet their soul mate at the party. But the scales cats, which have long been in a relationship, will spend all their free time at home, besides, relatives have long been dreaming of grand repairs. In the year of the dog for this will be all the possibilities, so you can safely implement all the plans.

(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 birthday)

In the year of the reign of a yellow dog, dragon scales will turn into very sentimental personalities, while those surrounding will be lost in guesses, in the year of which animal they were born. Close people like the sensitivity of dragons weights and they will always get up on their protection.

Scales Compatibility - Dragon

But it is not necessary, because even competitors have already managed to assimilate that you should not joke with them. The dragons will be so charming that even fans will begin to faint.

Scales - Snake

(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 year)

You can choose a cozy place and enjoy calmness, because in 2018 the yellow dog will not be offended. These individuals will show their talents in many areas of life and almost everywhere will be successful. But the most successful promises to be the creative sphere. The most important thing in 2018 should not be shy to tell those surrounding about their fantastic ideas, which in practice will be very promising and profitable. The situation will be quite well on the Love Front, because the number of fans will begin to increase literally in geometric progression.

Scales - Horse

(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Horse scales will perceive life as an interesting and exciting game, which will most noticeably become in 2018. These personalities are always a few steps ahead of competitors, but there are certain dangers here, because someone from ill-wishers will want to harm them strongly. Stars advise the weights to try to make useful acquaintances with influential people who will help you easily and quickly solve various questions. Some personalities will pull on romantic adventures and fans will only be glad to be pleasant, but at the same time they will not arrange the scenes of jealousy.

Scales - goat.

(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015 year)

Weighs-goats are very stubborn, but at the same time frivolous personality, which in the year of the reign of a yellow dog will be able to show only the best qualities. At the right moment they will show sharp horns, and in the absence of danger will become gentle and fluffy. The surroundings can call them cunnings, but the stars know how the situation is actually - scales are very brilliant personalities, so easily and fairly quickly adapt to almost any situation and circumstances. Representatives of the business world will be in indescribable delight, so you can soon expect the receipt of promising and very tempting proposal.

Scales - Monkey

(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 year)

Sca-monkeys will be petrifies of a yellow dog, so they will be able to bring almost all their dreams and desires to life. No one will be able to resist the magnetism of these bright and extraordinary personalities. Pleasant surprises are expected in their personal life - the second half is already there, you just need to look at the sides carefully.

(1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Petooth scales in the year of the yellow dog must put a specific goal and then everything will be developed by itself. These personalities are born with the royal crown on the head, so no one will surprise anyone that in 2018 they are waiting for glory and honor.

Scales Compatible - Rooster

The horoscope recommends constantly listening to his own intuition, thanks to which communication with hypocrites and fraudsters can be avoided. Many poultry scales will become real clairvifies, and these abilities will be useful in all spheres of life, because everyone likes to read the thoughts of fans.

Scales - Dog

(1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 year of birth)

Life life-dogs in 2018 will resemble a real fairy tale, because the influential patronage will do everything possible so that its wards live in delusional and comfort. In the love sphere you can figure it out independently, without any assistance.

Many dog \u200b\u200bscales that have long consist in strong relationships think about the birth of the heir.

Scales - Pigsa

(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 year)

Speed-pigs can be content with small, and it is this quality that will become indispensable in the year of the boards of a yellow dog. It is waiting for a lot of work, which will significantly improve the financial situation, there will be no penalty and from fans. You need to think about rest - you can choose almost any resort. Yellow dog will take care to leave only pleasant memories.

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2018 gives weights the opportunity to strengthen financial position, expand the circle of friends, find the team of like-minded people to bring their creative plans. If you are planning to move, repair or construction, this year you will have the opportunity to carry out our undertakings or significantly closer their implementation by preparing financial and economic soil.

Until November 8, Jupiter will be in your Astroopol of Finance, personal resources and valuables giving new opportunities for earning and increasing income. This time opens up new opportunities in the financial sector, facilitates finding new sources of income. For some of the scales, it will be the possibility of part-time, someone may have an increase in salary or financial encouragement. If you are looking for more paid or more interesting work, you will have the opportunity to find it. In business, profit from the projects started before, and your professionalism can be in demand. Now is the time to think: what your talents and abilities can be converted to income and what to do for this. In 2018, you can prepare the ground for your new initiatives and business projects, study changing consumer requests, economic context and think about: how to turn new social trends to capital to use the possibilities that you will have in the period starting from November and especially in December 2018 and 2019.

On December 20, 2017, Saturn switched to Capricorn and in the next two and a half years will be in the quadrature to your sign from the fourth astropol. At this time, each of you, but at different times (depending on the degree of the Sun), is to be an important and difficult stage. Life will set you an assessment for your previous efforts or their absence. Therefore, it will be bad or good this period in the sense of external results, it consumes much depends on your past goals and actions. The quadrature of Saturn from the fourth astropol can create problems in domestic and family circumstances. Property issues, real estate, repair, relocation, resolution of housing or office issues may require decisions, cause disagreements in a family or in business partnership. I can be complications in the affairs of the senior family members, in relations with parents. Additional responsibilities are likely to meet family members, in domestic affairs from which it is impossible to dismiss. This time can bring change in work. If you are in work on a good account, you can get a raise that will be associated with an additional responsibility, but it is worth it as a tribute - your efforts will definitely pay off. If your job caused complaints, this time can bring a decrease in position, or the conflict with the boss can cause the desire to quit. On possible changes in the work or change of activity, it is also indicated on July 13 in the career sector, goals, status and reputation.

But there are two news for scales - good and very good. The good news is that Saturn's quadrature in 2018 is not supported by stress aspects of heavy planets, and its influence can be gentle. A very good news is that on May 15, Uranus, who since 2010 created turbulence in important areas of life - primarily in relations and work, - comes out of the opposition to your sign, and for you there comes more sustainable time when you can, Finally, to get together with the forces and identify new goals in life, without unpredictable influences from the outside, which you did not always control.

In 2018, you have the opportunity to determine a realistic look at the direction in which you want to move on both in your career and life in general. This is not a year for large-scale actions, but the year of consolidation, planning for the long-term perspective and determining clear steps in what you want.

It has been time to confidently look into the future and it is important not to be isolated from secular communication, public connections, friendly contacts - from interaction with other people. It is good to participate in group projects, to become part of the teams that share your views.

Until November 6, the northern knot in the Astropol projects for the future, participation in the interest groups and in collective projects, gives benefits from collaboration. You can link your long-term plans with those people who share your interests and look at the world. Participation in social projects, joint activity To achieve personal goals will be favorable and this year and in the long run.

January 31 and July 27, and February 15 and August 11 focusing the themes of personal and collective creativity, friends and social groups, romantic and friendly relationships, the topic of children, relationships with loved ones. These areas of life will continue to be meaningful in the coming year, making novels, giving new reliable and plans for the future. In 2018 it is important to find a balance between your creative self-expiration and participation in joint projects. This is the time when it is necessary to revise some long-term projects, their conditions and format, and understand who you want to build your future with whom you are not on the way.

Communication with others, marriage and partnership in business are becoming more stable since mid-May 2018, but only if in previous years you have been responsible and managed to build relationships on healthy and sincere motives. IN otherwise Relationships that were a problem in last yearsmay go to a dead end and end. For relationships, complex periods: the middle and end of January, the last week of March and the beginning of April, the first week of June, the end of August, the end of November. If you want to save the relationship or get out of the lowest loss relationships, do not go on negative emotions, do not rush in words, do not do anything that you can regret.

On May 15, 2018, Uranus comes out of the opposition to the weights and enters your 8th Astroopol joint resources with partners in marriage and business, taxes, inheritance, investments and intimate aspects of love relationships. In this astropol, uranium will be the next seven years. At this time, you may be depressed before the desires and fears, as well as the need to change something and your love life. But there may also be sudden mood fluctuations when it comes to money, especially in the case of the spent joint with a partner of finance. Finally, 2018 provides opportunities for improving your positions. You can risk, but if we are talking about financial speculation, you need to be careful - do not act a rash or rumors-based. From the end of June to August 27 and from the beginning of November to the second decade of December, I do not recommend making investments, take and give a debt.

On November 8, Jupiter goes to Third Astropol and in a sextile to your sign. This period will give the opportunity to catch a passing wind, your dreams and hopes will begin to gain real contours. Jupiter will be in this aspect until December 02, 2019. This period gives new opportunities to implement career plans, in business and in partnerships. it good time For learning, mastering new technologies, for the formulation of new professional tasks, commerce, intellectual work, to buy means of movement and communication, buying means of movement. Your communication will become more active, the number of trips will increase, your dating circle can expand. The desire to improve their qualifications, use new methods of work will be favorable on your professional reputation and will allow you to apply for a higher payment of your work. But the sextile is the possibilities in which you need to turn on is not what falls into hand itself, much will depend on your actions, initiatives and skills to cooperate.

On some periods of the year more.

All January Stellium in the 4th astropol and Mars with Jupiter - in the second, they focus on material and financial matters, property and real estate. You can expect an increase in income, obtaining bonuses or the possibility of part-time. This is a good time for important purchases, to solve housing, home improvement, start repair, construction, restructuring. We can successfully solve the issues of renting housing or office, buying real estate. But it is important to not allow waste, refrain from impulsive spending.

From January 18 to the second decade of February, communication with friends and like-minded people will be pleasant and useful, you can learn new ideas. Friendly relationships can grow into romantic, business - in friendly. This is the time of useful business dating, good time to start cooperation, for the signing of long-term contracts. This is a good time to start collective projects, to address issues and problems in many areas. New friendly, business and romantic dating at this time can be part of your life for a long time.

January 31 at 11 ° 37 "Lion in Astropol plans, hopes, public projects, joint initiatives and relationships with friends. This is the time to identify long-term plans in cooperation, public life and collective projects. This is the time of the result, it can give a return from past undertakings or To complete the project started earlier. But it is also the time when you need to revaluate your group projects. This time can bring the execution of a long time. The information that will come in late February can change your plans that will be for the better. Perhaps with someone From friends or partners in business will have to part, because it has come. Do not regret that it will take. But taking any decisions try to focus on yourself and your interests. In relations with others it is important to understand the relationship between your efforts and returns, benefits and disadvantages. Collective activities to take into account this in drawing up plans for the future.

February 15 at 27 ° 07 "Aquarius falls on your fifth astropol highlighting the themes of creativity, romantic relationships, children, hobbies, gambling or exchange speculations. This is a good time for constructive changes, setting new goals and launch new projects. This eclipse gives a new impulse. Your romantic life. February - time of romantic dating and new romantic hobbies. In existing relationships, this time can bring changes as with a plus sign, and with a minus sign, depending on the personal horoscope. If difficulties arise in relationships - look for contact points , Review your approaches, go away from the usual patterns. This eclipse also concerns gambling with large rates, but inclined to calculate the prospects, so caution is needed. In relations with the younger children, there will be a tendency to rush from one extreme to another, especially if your views on the other Life is becoming more and more different. Let yourself and children more freedom, appreciate them Unique personality. Then you can prevent alienation, but you will find allies and friends in children. If you do not have children, but I would like, it's time to plan. If you do not want to have children, you need to pay attention to contraception, because during 2018 there is a possibility of unplanned pregnancy. This eclipse also concerns your creative expression. You will inspire tasks that allow you to express your personality. Think over what you would like to tell the world or what you want to express yourself, and pay due attention to this. This time can reveal your creative potential, but without your conscious participation does not happen. Decide with new creative tasks and projects, make a plan and proceed to implement them. This eclipse is associated with July 27. It can give the top topics that are more fully revealed at the end of July and in August.

"Zodiac. Scales." Artist Stephanie Law.
From April 17 to May 15, a good period for undertakings related to housing, repair, construction, rental or purchase of real estate, for large purchases. But the solution of these issues can be disputes with family members or business partners. Try to settle disagreements, as the emerging conflicts can be protracted. In work and business can decide new tasks and new opportunities, although the load may significantly. Do not resist this, your diligence will bring nice results further. At the same time, there are probably tension in working relationships, conflicts are possible, especially on April 21-27, at the beginning of the second week of May. You can exacerbately perceive the invasion of "your territory", attempts to challenge your opinion or question your methods. Voltage may occur when communicating with men - friends, colleagues, relatives. But if you are able to combine determination and patience, you will achieve more than you expect. Do not allow barriers with the authorities, the conflicts of the last decade of April will not forget, and the reason for complications now or return the problem in August.

From May 19 to June 9, a favorable period for new undertakings, for the presentation of his ideas, public speeches, concert or exhibition activities. This is a good time to change work and promotion in your career. In business, there may be an increase in profits, the current work is likely to increase the salary or the possibility of a revenue part-time. This is a good time for children associated with children. Perhaps you will take an active part in the affairs of a child or a romantic partner. If you are alone, do not neglect with secular visits, invitations to society, where you can get acquainted with interesting people. This is the time of useful business dating, good time to start cooperation and romantic dating, for foreign trips, start training, for the signing of long-term contracts.

From June 26 to August 27, in the fifth and fourth astroopoly. But from the last decade of June to the second week of July and from the end of July to mid-August, carelessness is needed in current expenses. Forced spending probably, expenses may increase, but not all of them will be appropriate, so do not shop on the pulse. Difficulties are likely to finance projects or additional costs of repair or construction that were not taken into account when planning. Therefore, it is worthwhile to plan the budget of your projects, taking into account this circumstance. At this time, it will become clear: what the previous beginnings and projects bring fruits, and which will have to collapse as not justified yourself. It is better not to take and not to give a debt. For investment, this time is unfavorable. Learn more about what is possible, and what is not recommended to do in read in my article on this topic.

From June 26 to August 13 and from September 11 to November 15, Mars will be in your fifth astropol and in the trine to your sign. These periods will increase your enthusiasm and creative potential. Romanticism will increase and the need to exercise the initiative in romantic contacts will be inclined to risky adventures. But the adventures will turn into problems, in this regard, caution is needed, especially from the last decade of June to August 27, in October and November. In these periods, your creative ideas and projects, hobbies, relations with children and loved ones can be an important topic. If misunderstanding arises, quarrels, it is better not to leave the resentment not forgiven, and the problems of close people are incomprehensible, since from sharp conflicts now the output will be more difficult.

July 13 at 20 ° 41 "Cancer falls on your tenth astropol. July can bring innovations in work or your plans for career. This is the time when projects started in business or work will give a result, and it will be necessary to determine what direction to move on . It is possible to transition to a new job or raising the salary together with the change of work tasks. Or the need for change may touch the habitat, at home, solving the issue of real estate due to changes in the family, leaving a relative or a road. In personal relationships may be aggravated by contradictions, so Not allow the saying of the Sgorie to not spoil the relationship. July includes new topics, ideas and situations that will play an important role in 2019-2020. Another scenario of this eclipse is the struggle for power and control in relationships or business. Pure people, officials , Chiefs may not agree with your position, and you may have to defend your interests. In business probably Problems due to external economic factors, actions of corrupt or power structures. To overcome difficulties, extract and perseverance will be needed.

The period from July 26 to August 19 in the 11th Astropol accounts for the period of eclipses and. At this time, it is necessary to focus on plans and projects for the future and make adjustments to them taking into account new circumstances, but it should also be remembered that new business projects designed for growth and development at this time are unfavorable. If you participate in group work, it may turn the need to complete the project work or you will need to make significant changes in your duties and tasks so that work can be continued. If before, setting itself tasks and goals you were guided only by personal interests, now you should listen to the opinion of friends or those people who you trust to enlist their support and adjust your future steps with a common interest. So you will rather get what you are striving for.

July 27 at 04 ° 44 "Aquarius will be in your 05th astroopol may concern those related to events of the end of January and February. If at that time some topics were started, now they will come to a certain result, but changes and changes and Revision of previous decisions. Events of the end of July and August can bring changes to your relationship with loved ones, children or friends. At this time, relationships with loved ones may need to rethink and in a new approach. Relations can either improve or worsen, so that they are not To spoil, when solving controversial issues, you need flexibility and skill to go on tactical concessions. If conflicts arise, it is better to negotiate and extinguish in them at the beginning. Pay attention to children, now they need your help and support, but refrain from sharp criticism to In your relationship did not come alienation. The events of this period will play an important role in the future, therefore it is not necessary to make emotional solutions. This period can give the creative Caucasian rise, new business ideas, you can captivate some risky project, the desire to try happiness in a casino or in the game of the Exchange. But risky steps are not favorable now. The ideas that will appear at this time are better to embody after August 27th.

August 11 at 18 ° 41 "Lion will be in your astronopol plans, hopes, friendly connections, children of spouse, group and public activity. It gives a new impetus to these topics in your life. In the first half of August you can be focused on plans and future projects. . It may be a question of the start or completion of a joint project, your participation in some group. However, new beginnings should be treated carefully, especially if they are related to financial costs.

From August 07 to September 09, your charm will increase, you will be easier for the initiative in public activities, in a romantic relationship, you will know exactly how to act to perform the right impression. The second half of August can give a good solution to an important question for you.

From August 19 to September 05 - a period of new undertakings in work and business, when your initiatives will be supported, your income may increase. Schedule important initiatives at this time. This is a favorable time to go to a new job, the start of new projects, creative good luck, when your skills and former merit will receive approval and recognition. Good time new romantic and business dating. Cases and questions that have previously been postponed, now can get a good solution. Probably an interesting business offer, friends can play a positive role in your business projects and creative initiatives.

October 05-November 16, Venus's weight guards will make a loop, moving from your finance sector in. October 2018 is the time when you have the opportunity to change your approaches to finance, income and consumption items to optimize them. In October, you can expect income from business, an increase in salary, bonuses or additional earnings. But probabilities are probable. Circumstances can encourage you to shops, but do not hurry with financial solutions and large purchases. This time is paid on accounts, but investments, loans, etc. At this time unfavorable. It is also an inappropriate time to spend funds for the acquisition of property, objects of art, luxury and any other large purchases, as the result will disappoint you. For this, the most favorable time after December 9th.

The first half of November is the time when you can rethink your image and your own, which you imagine the world; think about what your external version of ourselves does not fully match how you feel your inner essence ,. This period is also associated with rethinking your ability to express yourself without comparing yourself with others. If in August and the first decade of September, the result of your initiatives did not suit you, now the time to ask the question: how to be more refined (oh) and spectacular (oh)? Your inner nature and your external manifestation will need to match the impression you want to produce. As the unforgettable Coco Chanel said :. The ability to make a proper impression and thus improving links - one of the tasks that will put in your sign in your sign. Turning from the second to the first house, encourages you to consider new ways to make profits associated with your ability to teach yourself. It is also time to rethink your personal role in your marriage and business partnership to make adjustments and make it all dependent in order to be important for you to preserve and grate. This is a good time to restore lost connections, including romantic. This is a good time to make gifts close and loved. But this is an inappropriate time for new novels.

From November 17 to December 6, in your 03rd Astropol. At this time, troubles or conflicts with brothers, sisters, neighbors, colleagues and other people from the immediate environment, transport problems are possible. Contracts and agreements may break away or their implementation will require great efforts. At this time, it is important not to trust rumors and do not succumb to bias, then you can safely settle controversial situations without complications. Now you need to slow down, learn information, coordinate your future views with loved ones. Delays and uncertainty during this period are compensated by the fact that you can avoid probable errors and find a more reliable solution that, later, be taken.

In November and in the first week of December, but especially November 11-24 and 05-07-07, caution in contacts with new people are needed, there is a chance of deception or illusions. There are also errors when working with documents, so be careful, especially if it is important paper. In late November, you can get information that will help you decide on new tasks; Trips are favorable, continuing course training, recovery in high school. A successful solution to the issues from the second attempt, which were previously postponed, may well solve the issue with documents, with a different kind of permissions, visas. At this time, there may be a business proposal or a new idea that will be promising, but it will be not necessary to implement it in the form in which it did, we need additional Informationwhich will come later. At this time it is useful to return to deferred creative ideas, topics or projects, revise them, refine. Now they may turn out to be relevant and obtain new opportunities for implementation. It is also a good time to revive projects that have been suspended.

Your dean is the first to meet the square of Saturn, but in November you are the first to receive the sextile of Jupiter. Saturn, who joined Pluto in the 4th Astroopol will inspect your dean for just 2018. This year is the time of rethinking deep related links, your roots as a support in social life. This is the time when you can be occupied by family responsibilities or homework: a series of repairs, construction, real estate purchases, moving. For young people, it can be the time when you leave the parent home and start an independent life. For the weights of mature age - this is the time when you may have additional responsibilities related to parents, the need to take part in solving their urgent problems. For some of you, this transit can talk about the need to reformulate professional goals, about changing the direction in the work or in the field of education. At the same time, it was time to overcome prejudices inherited from the medium in which you grew up, because they could limit your vision of prospects and the implementation of goals.

This time can give the result of the previous effort. You can get an increase that will be associated with additional loads and responsibility, but in the consequence your determination does not retreat before with difficult tasks pay off in a moral and material sense. At this time in business, you can experience difficulties associated with economic and other external factors or your own previous mistakes. Do not conflict with the authorities with the authorities with official structures, proceed by legal methods, especially in the second decade of March, at the end of March and April, on the last week of May, in mid-June and at the end of June, August 08-11, September 22-26. Then you can go through this time without creating a problem. Women may have difficulties in men families or in relationships with men family. Relationships that have exhausted themselves can end, but those are really important will remain and strengthen. This year you will have the opportunity to overcome all the difficulties if you are armed with patience, your innate diplomacy and pay attention to the self-discipline. Brake in affairs, ultimately, will be a positive process. If there are problems, it is important to remember: what does life want at this time from you in the face of Saturn is patience, durability and responsibility. Separate the main thing from secondary and focus on the most important. This is the key to solving difficulties. During this period, you can feel the decline of strength, reduced tone, so you need to avoid overvoltage and pay attention to health.

Scales, born 4.10-13.10 (Sun 11 ° -20 °, II decan weights)

For 2018 - the time of preparation of new important projects that you can exercise from the end of December and in 2019. Until December 2018, your dean accounts for one significant aspect - Pluto square. This is a difficult aspect. He gives the time when you have to turn on in difficult tasks in your work or defend your interests in important relationships. If you prefer to avoid confrontation, someone else can provoke anyone until you configure your interests. The strongest influence of this aspect will appear in April and in mid-July. These periods should be avoided in the crowd and participation in mass events. These are critical months for personal and family relationships. At this time, a forced separation, breaking relationship, or, is better - simply important changes in the house, resolving the issues of life, in connection with which disagreements are possible in the family. If conflicts arise, you must clearly show the surrounding who you need, and what you do not want. You can reveal and strengthen your inner strength, learning to expose psychological borders. But, in one of its own form, the struggle for power can concern your professional interests, relations with the boss. In business, this is a period of struggle for power and control, it is possible to attempt to draw you into illegal actions. Do not allow illegal actions, even if you declined to this, from whom you depend. At this time, the best cannot be conflicts with representatives of the law or law enforcement. This year definitions in relationships, exemption from the fact that it began to slow down your personal development and movement towards the goal, and the time of preparation for the implementation of new projects of 2019. Opposition of uranium falls on your dean, Pluto Square and July 13. But if the Pluto Square and July 13 applies primarily to those who were born at the beginning of the dean, October 14-15, then the opposition of uranium affects the born on October 17-23. I wrote about the influence of Pluto above in the section of the Second Dean, about eclipse in the general part of the forecast, so I will not repeat, but I will tell about uranium. Uranus opposition to your dean will be until mid-May and from November to early March 2019. At this time, there are probable changes in your environment, in important relationships for you. Unforeseen circumstances in work, in business partnership will make it difficult to cooperate. In these periods, complications are possible in partnership, the gap of the partnership relations, in the faint of marital unions it can be about divorce. The most difficult periods for relationships and cooperation are: in mid-January, at the end of March, from the end of April to mid-May, from November to the beginning of December. At this time, it is worth refraining from emotional solutions, not to make sharp steps that you can regret in the latter. Take care of the relationships that you are expensive, but if something or someone leaves your life, I do not regret. What will leave will free place for the new. Following this, the promise of new love will come to your heart.

In this forecast, I describe only the general trends of the year regarding the solar sign, excluding other planets of your natal card. It cannot be replaced for which the exact date, time and place of the human birth is needed.


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