General biology. C1

General biology. C1

Starting with this post, we will disassemble what six partitions of the task group with expect your most close review and understanding.

C1 here are the tasks involving the use of your knowledge of practical situations. . As a reheet of the ege on biology, it must necessarily emphasize that these tasks may concern the diversities of biology.

Here are some examples of tasks C1

All these tasks from the real exam tests on the biology of previous years. It is preferably to first answer these questions, better writing, and then compare your answers with answers at the end of the post:

1. On the soil surface, it is sometimes possible to see a large number of rainworms. Explain at what meteorological conditions does this happen and why?

2. Why are the soil in forest stations populate with mycorrhis mushrooms?

3. What processes provide the movement of water and mineral substances on the plant?

4. The circulatory system of insects is not related to the transport of gases. How are they transported by the body of animals?

5. What is the role of chemosynthetic bacteria in ecosystems?

6. What is a conditional reflex and what is his role in the life of the animal?

7. Ribosomes from different cells were placed in the tube, the same molecules and RNA, the necessary set of amino acids and all types of T-RNA, and have created all conditions for protein synthesis. Why will one type of protein on different ribosomes be synthesized in the test tube?

8. Explain why during the cultivation of legume plants is not required to feed nitrogen fertilizers?

9. Why does human treatment with antibiotics lead to disruption of the intestinal function?

10. What does the protective role of leukocytes in the human body appear?

11. Why did the fabric and generative organs appear in plants?

12. What is explained by the death of seeds in boiled water?

13. What is the accommodation value?

14. Why only the relationship of all parts of the analyzer is prerequisite Its functioning?

15. Why is the color of objects not perceived with lateral eyesight? Reply explain the answer.

16. How does an egg develop after fertilization?

17. Why are the seeds and ovaries relate to the glands of mixed secretion?

18. What does the intermediate character of the inheritance character dependead?

19. What is the structure of the vestibular analyzer? Classification of taste receptors and their localization.

20. What is the meaning of the fight against noise?

21. What first aid measures cannot be taken with 2-3 frostbies and why? What needs to be done?

22. What is the role of plants in ecosystems?

23. It is known that the tail of the male of the Japanese rooster of the decorative rock reaches 10 meters. Explain how this breed was led by a person. Why are birds with such a long tail are not found in nature?

24. When fueling the potatoes, a sweet taste is acquired. What is the reason?

25. Explain from a biological point of view that a person who carries hot tea in a cup of expensive porcelain, does not let her go and tolerate pain.

27. One American cowboy at the time of a shootout with the bandits was broken from two sides. Although both lungs remain unharmed, the cowboy still died of choking. Why?

28. Why, with a bad smell, the taste of food does not feel.

29. What is the difference between experience from observation?

30. Why at a depth of 2000 m under water - animals does not break the pressure?

31. Why should their preliminary emulsifying need to split fats?

32. Inherited (congenital) and not hereditary diseases, the role of the environment in their manifestation?


1) Usually a lot on the surface of the soil can be observed after a strong, long rain;

2) Rainfast worms are aerobic organisms, they do not have a specialized respiratory system, breathe with the entire surface of the body oxygen, therefore they are crawling on the surface of the soil when their minks are flooded with water.

1) Mushroom mushrooms are symbiounds of wood and shrub life forms of plants. They perform on the roots of these plants the role of root hairs;

2) Mixed mushrooms improve mineral nutrition (mainly absorption of phosphorus) and contribute to greater consumption of water.

Water and minerals are moving from the roots to the stalk and leaves of the plants along the vessels (ascending xylem current) by:

1) sucking power rootsarising from transpiration - evaporation of water with leaves;

2) root pressure which arises as a result of a constant flow of water to the root (diffusion) due to the difference in the concentration of substances in the root cells and the environment.

1) Transportation of gases in insects is carried out through specialized respiratory authorities - Trachea (system of long thin tubes that surround all organs and fabrics);

2) The trachea comes O2 from the air and transmitted insect body cells, and CO2 is distinguished from cells in the trachea, so there is no need to participate in the blood system in the transport of gases.

1) are only a slight piece of prokaryotic species (bacteria). These bacteria are capable of both the plants themselves create organic substances from inorganic. But unlike plants phototrophys that use for life sunnyenergy, these bacteria are Hemotrophy organisms (able to use energy for life oxidation inorganic substances);

2) chemisitizing bacteria, being like plants by autotrophic organisms, are performed in ecosystems - the creators of the primary organic matter, that is, are first link B. power chains.

1) Conditional reflexes are reflexes, purchased animals or man during life on the basis of unconditional and not passed by inheritance;

2) with the help of conditional reflexes occurs the body adaptation to specific conditions existence.

1) biological matrixthat is, primary information for the synthesis of protein molecules are , and ribosomes - only the place of assembly of the protein molecule;

2) because RNA in the experiment the same - This means that they all bear information about same primary structure(Sequences of amino acid links) protein molecule.

1) bean Plants are able to join symbiotic relationship with nodule bacteria. On the roots of leguminous plants (bloating) are formed, in which bacteria multiply in large numbers;

2) Nodule bacteria - . They are able to assimilate at the expense of plant photosynthesis products molecular nitrogen and translate it into the form-available plants form. Therefore, with an effective symbiosis, the high yield of legumes is achieved without applying nitrogen fertilizers.

1) In the intestine of a person, useful intestinal bacteria. Reception of antibiotics can dramatically reduce the number of useful bacteria;

2) processes will violate flushing cleavage and using water.

Leukocytes are colorless anti-shaped blood cells. They are involved in maintaining immunity, and their role in the protection of the body manifests itself double way:

1) Leukocytes are involved in developing on their surface of special proteins of immunoglobulins, which are learning and neutralizing alien antigens;

2) leukocytes are and phagocytianssince they are able to absorb and digest Alien substances and cells.

1. Water is a dense, homogeneous medium. Therefore, neither durable mechanical tissues do not need (to impart the stability of the body in space), nor in the covers (protecting the evaporation of water and protection against direct sunlight and temperature drops), nor in conducting (water and mineral substances they can absorb the entire Taloma surface) . Therefore, the yield of plants on the land and the development of the soil-air environment with different parameters of the aqueous and temperature regimes is possible only under the condition of all types of tissues.

2. The emergence of specialized organs of sexual reproduction (generative organs) of Archeganiyev and Anteridiev at Mukhov, Fern and gamed plants And Flowers U. covered plants It was the result of improving adaptability to survival, in the existence of strict alternation of generations: sporophyte and gametophyte.

1. In the water, the seeds swell, the embryo "wakes up" and its growth begins. To ensure the proportion of energy, the oxidation of organic spare substances of the seed is necessary. This process requires the presence of oxygen.

2. Boiled water does not contain oxygen.

1. Accommodation - a change in the curvature of the lens due to the work of the ciliary muscle when considering items near and at a distance.
2. Accommodation is necessary in order to focus the image of an object strictly on the retina of the eye (and not before the retina as at myopia, or behind the retina as with depreciation - hypermetropium).

1. Any analyzer consists of three main parts: a receptor conductive nervous paths and a center in the cortex of large hemispheres of the brain.
With the help of the receptor, the energy of the active stimulus in the nervous impulse is carried out.
2. Conductive nervous pathways transmit nerve pulses to the cerebral bark. These impulses, reaching the cortex of the brain, are subject to a certain processing, leading to the formation of the corresponding "image" of the irritant. Therefore, only the qualitative relationship of all parts of the analyzer and ensures the function entrusted to it.

1. On the receptor cells of the two types: sticks and columns. Columns are responsible for color vision and are located mostly closer to the center of the retina. Sticks are responsible for the perception of illumination (that is, a black and white perception that helps us not come up on the items even at twilight time).
2. The sticks are located on the retina mainly by its periphery, so we will not be able to clearly characterize the color of the subject to lately vision.

1. Fertilized egg generation turns into zygota. The zygota undergoes quick divisions (cells do not have time to grow, so this stage is called crushing). Then the single-layer multicellular germin is formed.
2. Then - two-layer embryo - gastrol, three-layer - neurula.

1. The seeds and ovaries are glands of mixed secretion as pancreas, since they are able to form hormones entering blood and substances that distinguishes outwards.

2. The ovaries are isolated to the outer medium of the egg, and in blood such hormones like estrogen and progesterone. The seeds are isolated into the outer medium of the sperm, and in the blood - androgens.

1. A sign manifests itself in the case when one of the allelic genes (denoted by a large letter, for example, a) does not fully dominate the second allelic gene (denoted by a small letter - a). As a result, heterozygous individuals with the AA genotype phenotypically will not look like parental individuals.

2. For example, from crossing the plants of night beauties with red colors (with AA genotype) with a plant with white colors (with AA genotype) in the first generation All AA heterozygots will be phenotypically pink. Then in the second generation from the crossing of pink heterozygotes with each other, we will get a coincidence of the splitting of a sign of a phenotype and genotype: 1:2:1 .

1. The vestibular analyzer consists of a rolled apparatus and three semicircular channels in the cavity of the inner ear.
2. Taste receptors react to 4 types of substances: a) the sour salt (side part of the tongue); b) sweet (tip of the tongue); c) bitter (language root); d) acute (pain receptors).

1) Noise pollution - these are sounds perceived by a person as interference. Depending on the level and activity, noise pollution can cause damage to human health and is one of the problems of the ecology of the city and industrial premises.
2) A person may have a dream, the productivity of mental activity can decrease, hearing worsen, so the fight against the noise will reduce all these adverse effects.

1. When frostbite 2-3 degrees (this is the average and severe degree of frostbite) in no case rub affected area. In general, it is not necessary to produce any actions leading to the rapid change of the temperature of the painful place.
2. It is necessary to carefully, trying not to cause an additionally pain, impose on a sore place any warming bandage (scarf, scarf, bandage) and certainly deliver the patient as soon as possible to the hospital.

1. The role of plants in ecosystems, and in fact and their universal biosphere role is determined by the fact that they are in trophic chains (power circuits). Creating organic substances from CO2 of air and water, the plants will not spend any energy organic resources of the planet, and carry out this process, called photosynthesis, only due to the energy of solar radiation. All other organisms of all ecosystems: Consumes and relegates - exist only thanks to photosynthetic activities of plants.

2. The by-product of photosynthesis is oxygen released into the atmosphere. When that oxygen atmosphere, ensuring the creation of the ozone screen, contributed to the development of life on land. With the advent of oxygen in the atmosphere, the evolution of living beings on Earth was in the direction of improving an aerobic way of existence, as a more energetically advantageous way of development compared with anaerobic existence.

1. The tail of the male Japanese rooster reaches 10 meters thanks artificial Selection produced by man at will (his whim). How could a person bring such a breed? It was probably discovered in any population of chickens, having a mutation in a gene that is responsible for the formation of the tail length (mutagenesis could also be carried out).

2. B. natural Conditions This mutation as useless or even harmful to multiply a population (such a rooster will follow its luxurious heritage instead of carrying out its direct natural purpose - Curly Curly) will disappear along with the death of this individual. But in artificial conditions, producing forced (directed) crossing, you can not only consolidate, but also strengthen this feature using the possibilities of manifestation of the cumulative action of genes.

1. In potato tubers, there is a lot of tasteless starch. Starch is a polysaccharide consisting of monomers - glucose molecules.

2. When freezing, part of the starch is split to glucose, which provides sweetish taste of potatoes.

1. The reaction to the pain is unconditional reflex. And if a cup did not have some material or spiritual value for us (high cost or good memory), we would immediately get rid of the cause of pain.

2. In this case, our pain from the loss of "dear porcelain" will ensure the excitement of the zone of the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for the development conditional Reflex. This will lead to brake Excitation of the zone causing the manifestation of unconditional reflex.

1. In the spring there is a peak of reproduction of ticks.

2. Pliers are carriers of a dangerous disease for a person - encephalitis. The outbreaks of the development of the encephalitis itself are not every year and usually the population is warned in advance about the alleged outbreak of infection carried by ticks.

1. Inhale and exhale are determined by the agreed work of intercostal muscles and diaphragms. Only due to this, air flow in the lungs and output from the lungs is possible. And the injury could violate this process.

2. With this injury, the cavity was undoubtedly punched at the Cowboy, as a result of which the atmospheric pressure squeezes the lungs and the person cannot straighten them. No matter how trying to breathe, he could not get into the lungs, hence and suffocate.

1. If the cold and the nose is laid, then we will not be able to feel the taste of food. Everything will seem fresh. In fact, taste nipples act, but the impossibility of perceiving the smell causes a decrease and taste sensations.

2. Analysis of taste, carried out at the bottom of the parietal cortex of the cerebral cortex, is also under the influence of olfactory information treated in the neighboring temporal share. Many sophisticated shades of taste must be due to their existence sense of smell.

According to I.P. Pavlova's figurative expression "... observation collects what nature does Nature offers, the experience takes the nature of the fact that he wants." The person observes (at the same time can describe what they saw) directly what is currently in nature. The experience (or experiment) they are planned in advance and can be reproduced many times to verify or confirm the hypothesis extended.

The question is not entirely correct. "Break", if it were meant to break from the inside, and the animals at the depth of pressure would have to be broken, compress.

The main "adaptation" of animals to habitat even at high depths, where the water pressure is really tremended, the fact that everything alive is about 70% consists of water (and water, as is known, almost incompressible and at high pressures). Therefore, inside the body in animals, even at great depth, the pressure will be the same as outside.

It is known that fats in water are not soluble. And the process emulsification - It is only mixing them with water-containing liquid and creating Emulsions. This process occurs under the action of bile. Only such an emulsified state of fats ensures their interaction with lipasoy - enzyme splitting fats. Lipase is produced by the pancreas and comes (as well as bile liver) in the duodenum.

Congenital or hereditary diseases associated with the body's genotype, there are still in fertilization. The external environment, as a rule, will not affect their manifestation (a person will be hurting even in ideal conditions, but a number of hereditary diseases still learned to control proper nutrition and care for patients). No hereditary diseases are those in which the body is ill under the influence of the conditions of the external environment.


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  1. The thin slice of potato tuber was placed in distilled water. What changes will occur in its cells after a while? Reply explain the answer.
  2. The biological oxidation in the human body is similar to the chemical process with fuel combustion (coal, peat, wood). What substances are oxidized in the human body and what common products are formed as a result of these processes?
  3. Explain why in the cells of the muscle tissue of a non-monitored person after intense physical work there is a feeling of pain.
  4. How does the structure of DNA molecules differ from and RNA?
  5. How can any viruses containing RNA be distinguished using biochemical analysis from DNA-containing? Bring 2 differences.
  6. What is the role of nucleic acids in protein biosynthesis? How is the admission of genetic information from the kernel in Ribosoma?
  7. The ribosomes from different cells were placed in the test tube, the entire set of amino acids and the same molecules and RNA and T-RNA, created all the conditions for protein synthesis. Why will one type of protein on different ribosomes be synthesized in the test tube?
  8. Explain why mature erythrocytes can not synthesize proteins.
  9. What is the nature of the majority of enzymes and why do they lose their activity with raising the level of radiation?
  10. The saliva enzymes are active in the oral cavity, but losing their activity in the stomach. How can this be explained?
  11. The freezing of enzymes, in contrast to the action of high temperatures, does not lead to the loss of their activity when returning to normal conditions. What is this explained?
  12. The wool coloring of the Belyaka wool varies during the year: in winter the hare is white, and in the summer gray. Explain what type of variability is observed in the animal and how the manifestation of this feature is determined.
  13. Wood plants growing in the area with a constant direction of wind have a flag-shaped crown. Plants grown from cuttings of these trees under normal conditions, have a normal form of crown. Explain these phenomena.
  14. From the seeds of one plant, the shepherd bags raised offspring. The descendants differed from each other and from the maternal plant with dimensions, the number of flowers and leaves on the shoot. Explain the possible reasons for this phenomenon.
  15. Explain that the similarity and difference between mutational and combinative variability is.
  16. To establish the cause of the hereditary disease, the patient's cells were investigated and a change in the length of one of the chromosomes was detected. Which research method made it possible to establish the cause of this disease? What kind of mutation is it connected?
  17. At the heart of the Syndrome, Patau lies unrestrained by the 13th pair of chromosomes. In the karyotype of the patient there are 47 chromosomes. Explain what type of variability is manifested with the syndrome and which method of studying human heredity helped to establish the cause of this disease.
  18. People with sickle-shaped anemia forms anomalous hemoglobin, which leads to the formation of changed erythrocytes. What kind of mutations is we talking about? Justify the answer.
  19. What caused the birth of a child with Down syndrome? The use of which method made it possible to reveal its causes?
  20. Why are the somatic mutations are not transmitted to the offspring during sexual reproduction? What organisms can the inheritance of such mutations possible?
  21. What is the essence of the genealogical method? What is the purpose of it?
  22. What products are formed, and how many ATP molecules is inhibited in yeast cells with alcohol fermentation as a result of splitting 15 glucose molecules? Reply explain the answer.
  23. Which systematic group includes bacteriophages? What is the feature of their metabolism?
  24. What is the connection between breathing and photosynthesis?
  25. Explain in what cases only one individual is involved in the process of sexual reproduction. Give examples.
  26. From one plant, strawberries took several mustache, rooted them and received adult plants that were transplanted to another plantation site. However, the fruits in some subsidiary plants were smaller than on the parent plant. Name the method of breeding strawberries. Explain the reason for the appearance of small fruits.
  27. The plants of the tradescania on one of the shoots the leaves were white spots. In the reproduction of this plant, the seeds all the offspring had green leaves, and the offspring grown from the cuttings of escapes with white spots, also had leaves with a similar change. Explain this phenomenon using knowledge about patterns of variability.
  28. In some varieties of decorative plants in terry flowers there are no stamens and pestles. How do such varieties of plants get and preserve?
  29. As a result of the interspecific crossing of Beluga fish and sterlidi, an interspecific hybrid was obtained - Bester. This fish is distinguished by valuable food properties, increased vitality. However, robes, like other interspecific hybrids of animals, do not give offspring. Explain why such hybrids are fruitless. Is it possible to overcome their infertility?
  30. With the help of which method of selection can be overcome by the infertility of plants obtained as a result of remote hybridization, and what is the essence of this method?


Women's Brain, Male Brain

Female and male brain are different. However, recent studies show how mistakenly assume that all gender differences are programmed. Worldwide, psychologists and neurologists beat over old as the world, the question: "Why can't a woman think like a man, and on the contrary?"

The most noticeable sexual differences of the brain are becoming in a social environment. Women of all ages unconditionally win in men in tests, where you need to use emotions or establish relationships. The ability to empathize occurs in infancy. Undoubtedly, this ability in men and women varies, these differences are preserved for a long time and with age only enhanced. Early emergence of any sexual difference is always congenital, programmed in the course of evolution and recorded in behavior. However, gender differences increasing in childhood may be the fruit of socialization, the consequence of one or another lifestyle, culture and training.

At first glance, the study of the brain solve this dilemma of nature and culture. Any distinction in the structure or activation of male and female mental abilities has natural base. However, the assumption that such differences are congenital, mistaken, given all that we know about plasticity, or supplement, brain. Simply put, the events taking place with us change our brain.

A recent study conducted by scientists P. Nopulos and J. Wood, as well as their colleagues from the University of Iowa, proves how difficult it is to unravel the riddle of nature and culture, even at the level of brain structures. It was established that one division of the ventral prefrontal bark - the structures involved in social knowledge and interpersonal judgment - in women are larger. (Male brain is approximately 10% more feminine, so any comparison of certain brain areas should be measured in proportion to this difference.)

This brain department is known as "Direct Cross." It is located between the inner edge of the hemisphere and the olfactory furrows. Nopulos and Wood found that the straight exposure was approximately 10% larger in thirty women, which they observed, compared with thirty men (taking into account the larger brain size in men). In addition, scientists recorded that the size of direct winding correlated with a widely used test of social knowledge - so that people (and men, women), who were beneficial in interpersonal communication, also had a larger straight tolerant.

Nopulos and Wood suggested that, since women were primarily engaged in raising children, their brain evolutionary was programmed to develop a large straight tolerant, because a woman as a mother should be more sensitive.

This conclusion is very indicative, because it is typical mistakeWhen the reason and consequence are confused. The same mistake makes people, saying: "The thumb has developed in order to be more convenient to keep stick." But evolution is not a fortune teller, she can not foresee that with a thumb stick to keep it is more convenient! Everything happens on the contrary: due to the fact that our ancestors tried to hold ten chain, they had a thumb. Not for a non-existent goal, but in order to help in action, which is performed now.

So, given the results of studies of the Nopulos and Wood, let's break the right accents. If the size of the straight winding is really associated with a deeper interpersonal communication, then it is not a convulsion to improve communication (once again - the convolution can not know this!), And the communication process has stimulated the increase in gyrus.

Researchers considered that the best way Check this hypothesis - to look at the children. If the difference in direct urge exists between the floors from the earliest years, it will confirm the idea that the difference is congenital, programmed. Wood and Nopulos held a second study, which measured the same region in children aged between 7 and 17 years. But here the results were unexpected: it turned out that the direct expanter on the fact of the boys! Everything else, the same interpersonal test showed that the skill in this area correlated with a smaller line of direct winding, and not large as in adults. The authors recognize that the data they received are complex, and argue that such a change between childhood and adult life reflects a later maturation of the brain of boys compared to girls. The brain is subjected to a significant "reduction", or rather, to reduce the volume of gray substance during the period of youth, which happens approximately two years earlier in girls compared to the boys.

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In training materials, the manual presents three structural levels of the organization of life: organized, cellular and molecular. On the topic of each paragraph there are test tasks of the level of the EGE, each chapter has "verification work" in the format of the exam. The training manual includes animations, interactive drawings, interactive tasks, schemes, tables, posters.

What useful benefits

E-Tutorial "1C: School. Biology, Grade 11" will help:
student -

  • get new knowledge;
  • first check the knowledge gained using tests, and then prepare for the tasks of the USE on the topics of the 11th grade;
  • prepare material for the report, abstract, presentation, project; broaden your horizons;

  • teacher -
  • pick up illustrative material for lesson;
  • prepare tests for verification;
  • conduct control classes for preparing for EEG on biology on the topics of the 11th grade.
  • Chapter 1. Organized standard of living

    • Organized standard of living and its role in nature
    • The body as a biosystem. Processes of live-celiac organisms
    • The processes of vital activity of multicellular organisms. Power Types and Food Methods
    • Reproduction of organisms
    • Fertilization and its meaning
    • The development of the body from the origin to death (ontogenesis)
    • From the history of the development of genetics
    • Variability of signs of the body and its types
    • Genetic patterns opened by G. Mendel
    • Digibrid crossing. The interaction of genes
    • Genetic bases of selection. Contribution N.I. Vavilov in the development of selection
    • Genetics of the floor and inheritance adhesive with floor
    • Hereditary human diseases. Mutagena. Their influence on living nature and man
    • Ethical aspects of medical genetics
    • Achievements of biotechnology and ethical aspects of its research. Factors defining human health
    • Kingdom Viruses: Variety and Meaning
    • Viral diseases. Virology - viruses science

    Chapter 2. Cell standard of living

    • Cellular level of organization of live matter and its role in nature
    • Cell as a stage of the evolution of living in the history of the Earth. Cell manifold. Fabrics
    • Cell structure
    • Organois as structural components of the cytoplasm. Features of priced cells and eukaryotes
    • Cell cycle
    • Cell division - mitosis and meyosis. Features of the formation of genital cells
    • Structure and functions of chromosomes. Variety prokaryotes. The role of bacteria in nature. The manifold of single-cell eukaryotes. Microbiology in man service
    • The history of the development of the science of the cell. Discussion problems of cytology.

    Chapter 3. Molecular Life Life

    • Molecular standard of living: value and role in nature
    • Basic Chemical Compounds of Live Matter
    • Structure and function of nucleic acids
    • Synthesis processes in living cells
    • Processes of protein biosynthesis
    • Molecular splitting processes. Regulators of biomolecular processes. Chemical elements in the shells of land and molecules of living systems
    • Chemical pollution ambient as a global environmental problem
    • Time of ecological culture
    • Conclusion: Structural Levels of Wildlife Organization

    Paragraphs ok "Biology, Grade 11" contain:

    • visual materials, including interactive objects;
    • the simulator that allows you to check the learning learning to the student.


    Electronic resources, in addition to paragraphs, are also collected in the "Gallery" - by type of objects. Materials are located in alphabetical order, which makes it easier to search for the right object by its name. As part of OK:

    • "Animation" - 35 rollers giving audio and visual ideas about phenomena, as a rule, not available for direct observation by students;
    • "VideoFragments" - 4 voiced video;
    • "Interactive tasks" - 16 objects allowing to consolidate the material passed;
    • "Interactive drawings" - 13 objects reflecting the inner structure of cellular structures;
    • "Interactive schemes" - 32 objects for activity fastening of the material passed;
    • "Collages" - 2 objects showing fabrics of living organisms;
    • "Posters" - 31 object for demonstration in the classroom, disclosing some aspects of cell biology, as well as embracing some other topics;
    • "Preparation for the exam" - 3 collections containing test the tasks of the ege to each chapter of the textbook;
    • "Checking" – 3 checking, one to each chapter, dynamically emerging from the issues of "simulators";
    • "Pictures, photos" - 29 photos and 1 drawing;
    • "Tables" - 41 interactive and static table;
    • "Print tests" - 33 Examination in MS Word format to paragraphs topics;
    • "Simulators" - Test assignments to the paragraphs of the textbook level of the EGE.

    OK "Biology, grade 11" You can use in conjunction with the following textbooks:

    • Ponomareva I.N., Kornilova O.A., Loshlin Tue., Izhevsky P.V. Biology, Grade 11: Textbook for students general educational institutions. A basic level of - 3rd ed., Pererab. - M.: Ventana Graf. - 240 s.
    • Ponomareva I.N., Kornilova O.A., Simonova L.V. Biology, grade 11: Textbook for students of general educational institutions. Profile level - 2nd ed., Pererab. - M.: Ventana Graf. - 416 p.

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    Tasks from 1.

    1. What must be made to the instructions for the imposition of a harness to stop venous bleeding?

    1) The harness is superimposed below the place of injury on a soft cloth.

    2) Harness impose no more than 1-1.5 hours, the time of its overlay indicates a note placed under the harness.

    2. Why are people who consume many carbohydrates add in weight?

    1) Excess carbohydrates in the human body turn into fats.

    2) Excess fat in the human body is postponed in a margin, which leads to an increase in weight.

    1) Vitamin D is formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

    2) Vitamin D warns the disease Rahit.

    4. What is the purpose of man measuring the pulse?

    1) To determine the number of heart abbreviations per minute.

    2) To determine the power of heart cuts.

    5. Why should food be carefully chewed?

    1) Well-facing food is quickly soaked with digestive juices.

    2) This accelerates the process of turning complex insoluble organic substances into less complex, which can be absorbed into blood and lymph.

    6. What features you will be different modified escape From a modified root?

    1) the modified root does not have a kidney

    2) The modified roots have no scales - modified leaves.

    7. The researcher took two cell groups and placed them in different test tubes with a nutrient medium. At one cell group, he removed the kernel. Another cell group remained unharmed. How will the number of cells in different groups change after a while and why?

    1) The kernel is responsible for cell division.

    2) without the core cells are not divided and after a while they die.

    8. All dog cells contain 78 chromosomes. Only in the genital cells chromosomes are two times less. How can this fact be explained by this fact, knowing the sexual reproduction of animals?

    1) The number of chromosomes decreases in the formation of Games.

    2) When fertilization, the chromosomal set is restored.

    3) So the genetic constancy is supported.

    9. What can be explained that multicellular plants consist of several types of fabrics?

    1) the need to absorb and deliver nutrients to a different distance due to the access to land.

    2) in connection with the execution by the organs of the plants of various functions.

    10. What is the difference between artificial and acquired natural immunity?

    1) Artificial immunity is acquired after vaccination or the introduction of therapeutic serum.

    2) Antibodies are produced after the introduction of the vaccine or introduced ready.

    3) Natural immunity is inherited. Antibodies are produced throughout the body's life.

    11. What features of development helped plants to win the land?

    1) the emergence of organs performing certain functions.

    2) the appearance of specialized tissues.

    3) The emergence of a flower and seed.

    4) Reducing the dependence of the organism from water.

    12. How can the differences between animals of one species, one breed?

    1) the difference in the sequence of nucleotides in genes encoding similar proteins. (Genes encoding the same protein functions can be somewhat different in individuals of one species)

    2) the difference in the sequence of amino acids in protein molecules.

    13. What features of the camel allow it to exist in the desert?

    1) Wide flat hooves, creating support in the sands.

    2) The ability to do without food for a long time or feed the scarce vegetation of the desert.

    3) Fat reserves in humps capable of oxidizing to water.

    14. How do bacteria affect the state of the host's body?

    1) Bacteria penetrate the host cell cells, poisoning it with its livelihoods.

    2) breeding in the owner's body, bacteria block normal vital activity of its cells.

    3) used for their lively substance and the energy of the host organism.

    15. Intensively proceeds the process of photosynthesis in the leaves of plants. Does he happen in mature and immature fruits?

    1) Photosynthesis occurs in immature fruits (while they are green), since they have chloroplasts;

    2) As chloroplasts are converted into chromoplasts in which photosynthesis does not occur.

    16. It is known that on sphagnous swamps, despite the large amount of moisture, water is inaccessible to many plants. What is it connected with?

    1) roots, like other plant organs, carry out the respiratory process and need oxygen, on sphagnous swamps due to poor aeration it is not enough;

    2) the root growth of the water and the soil of swamps also interferes;

    3) and in water and soil of sphagnum marshes accumulate toxic substances that interfere with the development of plants.

    17. Why don't many seeds germinate when an excess of water in the soil?

    With an excess of water in the soil there is a lack of oxygen, which is necessary for the respiration of the plant. Gracing seeds of most plants a significant part of oxygen are obtained from free soil spaces, and not water.

    18. It is known that before resetting into the soil of young plants, they spend their pickups (pinch the tip of the main root). Why do it?

    1) when picking plants, the growth of the apparent and lateral roots is activated;

    2) Due to the increase in the total number of apparent and side roots, the mineral nutrition of the plant is improved, which stimulates its growth.

    19. With the introduction of potatoes in the culture in Russia, potato riots arose. Why did the peasants want to grow this plant?

    1) the peasants did not know that the food was needed to use tubers, and ate green berries;

    2) Potato berries poisonous and cause severe poisoning.

    20. Gardeners when picking seedlings of cabbage pinch the top of the main root, and during the reproduction of currant chests, stroke cuttings are used on which the apparent roots are developing. Both of these flowering plants belong to the class of dwoom. Explain what type of root system will be in cabbage that has grown out of this seedlings, and which is a currant that grown out of the steel.

    1) The type of root system is initially in the cabbage and currant (bipartal plants) of the rod.

    2) When picking cabbage, after the segments, the main root stops growing in length (as the division and growth zones are removed) and the development of side and apparent roots is being developed. When rouding the stem cuttings currant develops apparent roots. Thus, the root system in both cases will become similar to the urine (preferential development of lateral and pressing roots).

    21. Flowers of many coated plants are pollinated by insects. Explain what the mutual benefit of cross-pollination for insects and plants is manifested.

    Response elements:

    1) For plants: thanks to insects, the likelihood of pollination increases, the possibility of acquiring the offspring of new signs (variability and best adaptation) increases.

    2) For insects: Plants are a source of food (pollen and nectar), a refuge.

    22. What is the purpose of the blasts and large branches fruit trees?

    To protect against sunburn and pests.

    23. Why is the plowing of soil improve the living conditions of cultivated plants?

    Response elements:

    1) contributes to the destruction of weeds and weakens competition with cultural plants;

    2) promotes plants with water and mineral substances;

    3) Increases the flow of oxygen to the roots.

    24. In the XVII century, Dutch scientist Van Gelmont spent experience. He planted a little Ivu in a tub with the soil, preliminaryly weighing the plant and the soil, and only watered it for several years. After 5 years, the scientist weighing the plant again. Its weight increased by 63.7 kg, the weight of the soil decreased by only 0.06 kg. Explain that the increase in the mass of growing, which substances from the external environment ensured this increase.

    1) the mass of the plant increased due to the organic substances formed in the process of photosynthesis;

    2) In the process of photosynthesis, water and carbon dioxide are used, which comes from the external environment.

    25. What is the value for plants of medium latitudes of leisure field?

    1) List Falls is a plant adaptation to a decrease in water evaporation in autumn and winter.

    2) As well as the likelihood of the branches under the severity of snow decreases.

    3) In addition, harmful substances accumulated from the plant are removed from the plant.

    26. Why are lichens are very hardy?

    The endurance of lichens is due to the possibility of both autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition, as well as the ability to fall into the anabiosis state at which the body is strongly dehydrated.

    27. What harm birch brings a mushroom drovel?

    28. Name the fixtures of plants to life in dry conditions.

    Response elements:

    1) the root system of plants penetrates deep into the soil, gets to groundwater or is located in the surface layer of the soil;

    2) Some plants have water during drought in the leaves, stems and other organs;

    3) The leaves are covered with waxing, published or modified in spines or needles.

    29. What significance in the life of plants is the exhibition of beekeepers hives on the buckwheat fields?

    The bees feed on pollen and a nectar of buckwheat, carry out cross-pollination, which increases the yield of plants.

    30. Why increase potato yield after dipping?

    The dipping stimulates the formation of the apparent roots, and therefore increases the mass of the root system. As a result, root food is improved and the yield of potatoes increases.

    31. Why can lichens live in fruitless places where other organisms do not survive?

    A lichen is a symbiotic organism. His body (layer) consists of a mushroom and algae. Lichens can grow on stones, on the walls, on the sand. They do not need soil. Gifs of the fungus absorb moisture rains, dew and fogs with the whole surface. Unicellular algae containing chlorophyll produce organic substances in the process of photosynthesis.

    32. What are the chief root in some cultivated plants produce?

    To stimulate the growth of the apparent and lateral roots developing in the upper, more fertile, soil layer.

    33. What consequences can make an excess of mineral fertilizers in the soil?

    To environmental pollution.

    34. Why does the soil be loosened when growing plants?

    The loose soil contains more oxygen required for the respiration of plants. In addition, the soil capillaries are disturbed by loose, by which the water is easily rising to the surface and then evaporates. Thus, moisture is held in the soil (which is why loosening is often called dry irrigation).

    35. Experienced fertilizer gardeners are introduced into the soil along the edges of the priority circles of fruit trees, and do not distribute them evenly. Explain why?

    The root system is growing, the suction zone moves behind the root tip. Roots with a developed suction zone-crop hairs are located at the edges of the rigorous circles.

    36. What basic rule must be observed when collecting mushrooms to preserve their numbers?

    It is impossible to damage the fungnya, since new fruit bodies will not grow on a destroyed fungny.

    1) Treatment of seeds before sowing eradicates.

    2) The use of crop rotation.

    3) Sowing severe mushrooms of varieties of plants.

    38. Ornithologists noticed that as a rule, in the nests of different birds, all the eggs are a blunt end to the outer wall of the nest or up. Explain this phenomenon.

    1) on the dull end of the egg is the air chamber;

    2) The position of the egg contributes to a better gas exchange with an external environment, which is necessary for the breath of the embryo.

    39. The Red Book of Russia includes 65 mammalian species and 122 species of birds. Explain what anthropogenic factors led to a sharp reduction in their number at present.

    1) pollution of all living environments, climate change.

    2) plowing soil, amelioration.

    3) mining mining.

    4) Intensive construction (mastering new territories), increasing noise.

    5) Hunting and others.

    40. What is the guilty of birds for seasonal changes in the nature of the middle strip of Russia?

    1) molting, the development of thick feathers;

    2) Fat Painting;

    3) stocking and changing feed;

    4) nomads and flights.

    41. Explain how toothpowers and pekloves eat and why they are called "bottom filters".

    1) torsion and pekloves feed on organic particles, which, with a current of water, fall into the mantle cavity and filtered with cilia,

    2) flowing through itself a large amount of water, they purify it from organic suspensions and microorganisms.

    1) cleaning drinking water;

    2) sanitary control on slaughterhouses;

    3) proper cooking;

    4) Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

    43. Why with the onset of roast and dry period in the desert the turtles fall into the hibernation and in such a state unfavourable conditions?

    1) At this time, animals lack moisture and food;

    2) In the state of resting the metabolism slows down, therefore, the need for food and water is sharply reduced.

    44. In the spring in the middle lane of Russia, insectivore birds fly significantly later herp. How can this be explained?

    Insectivore birds cannot early in the spring to ensure themselves and their offspring with food due to the lack of insects at this time.

    45. At what stages of development of the Colorad Beetle brings harm to plants?

    Having a rodent oxide, and the larva, and the adult insect of the Colorado beetle consumes the above-ground parts (mostly leaves) of the same plants (more often than those who are harmful.

    46. Why most fish and mammals living in aquatic environment have a streamlined body shape?

    1) The aqueous medium is more dense than air.

    2) When moving, friction occurs.

    3) The streamlined shape reduces water flow resistance.

    47. What biological explanation can be given to the fact that a person carrying very hot tea in an expensive cup, suffers pain?

    The reason lies in the conditional braking of the painful reflex.

    48. Why is the most important communication and exercise for a child aged 1 to 3 years old?

    It is at this time that the psychophysical development of the child occurs, we are talking about, thinking, brain bark, coherence and accuracy of movements, muscles, spinal bends. In addition, it is during this period that the child begins to realize himself as a person and his social consciousness begins to form. If during this period of the child to deprive human society and physical activity, there will be a lag of psychophysical development. Example: Mowgli Children.

    49. How will the composition of the blood of a mountaineer change, the week at high altitude? Why?

    The number of erythrocytes supplying oxygen cells will increase, because at the height of little oxygen.

    50. Why does a person in his house unmistakably find a switch, and in someone else looking for him, even if there was no one time there?

    In the usual atmosphere, the conditional reflex constantly supports, and in unusual fuss.

    51. What is puberty in humans?

    Paul ripening is a period that happens at the boy of girls in adolescence. It is accompanied by complex NEPeCers in the body and prepare for reproductive function.

    The growth of man increases, its mass, secondary sexual signs are formed. Boys ripen spermatozoa. Girls begin menstruation. The level of genital hormones in the blood increases.

    52. Why in lateral eyesight is not perceived by the color of the items?

    Response elements:

    1) The color perception corresponds to colums that are located in the center of the retina.

    2) With lateral eyesight, the object image is formed on the retinal periphery, where the columns are missing, and there are only dadgets.

    53. What is digestion?

    The process of mechanical and chemical processing of food and turning it into simpler and soluble compounds that can be absorbed, transferred with blood and lymph and absorbed by the body as plastic and energy material.

    54. How many teeth and what teeth is an adult man?

    In an adult man 32 tooth: in each half of the upper and lower jaw 2 of the cutter, 1 fang, 2 small indigenous and 3 large indigenous teeth.

    55. What activities need to be carried out to combat pathogenic microorganisms?

    1) compliance with personal hygiene rules;

    2) vaccination of the population;

    3) disinfection of objects;

    4) sterilization or pasteurization of water and food.

    56. Why are some amino acids are indispensable?

    An indispensable amino acids are not synthesized in animal and human organisms, they must come with vegetable food and cannot be replaced by other nutrients.

    57. What is the difference between vaccinations from the introduction of therapeutic serum?

    Response elements:

    I) when vaccinated in the body introduces a vaccine (killed or weakened causative agents of the disease or their poisons);

    2) when vaccinated, the body produces protective antibodies; 3) Therapeutic serum contains ready-made antibodies.

    58. Why athletes are the life capacity of the lungs higher than that of non-training people?

    The life capacity of the lungs is the greatest amount of air that a person can exhale after the deep breath. The mechanism of inhalation and deep exhalation is carried out with the participation of skeletal muscles and diaphragms. The better the skeletal muscles are developed, the more they can increase the amount of the chest, and hence the lungs on the breath, and the stronger they can squeeze the chest with deep exhale.

    59. What is dangerous to a person carbon monoxide poisoning?

    The iron, contained in hemoglobin, is capable of passing the erythrocyte through the capillaries of the lungs to acumen with oxygen molecules, the unstable compound is oxymemoglobin. When passing through the tissues, oxymemoglobin frees oxygen, while turning into hemoglobin again, which joins carbon dioxide. The hemoglobin compound with carbon dioxide (carbohemoglobin) is unstable and in the lungs is freed from carbon dioxide. With carbon monoxide poisoning, a very durable hemoglobin compound with this gas is carboxygemoglobin, it blocks hemoglobin and turns off the red blood cells from gas exchange. That is why carbon monoxide poisoning are deadly.

    60. Why damage to the oblong brain is dangerous for life?

    1) The centers regulating the vital functions of the body (breathing, cardiovascular activity, etc.) are concentrated in the oblong brain.

    2) the termination of these centers leads to the death of a person

    61. Why can not driving a car in a state of alcoholic intoxication?

    1) Alcohol primarily acts on the cerebellum.

    2) The cerebellum defeat leads to the loss of the ability to make accurate and coordinated movements.

    62. What leads to a violation of posture?

    1) Incorrect body position when standing and sitting

    2) Insufficient muscle development back

    63. What value to digest food has a large delicious length?

    1) The large length of the small intestine allows you to complete the conversion of organic foods into soluble compounds

    2) The large length of the small intestine contributes to the suction of nutrients

    64. What features of the inner surface of the small intestine provide intensive suction of nutrients in it?

    1) Intensive nutrient absorption is provided by a large suction area, which is many times the surface of the human body. 2) The area of \u200b\u200bthe suction surface increases due to the presence of a large number of vigor and microwaves covered with epithelial cloth on the inside of the small intestine.

    65. Why should the food of animal origin should be included in the diet?

    1) Vegetable proteinsIn contrast to animals, not all amino acids needed to form proteins specific to the human body

    2) animal fats in composition closer to human fat, than vegetable

    66. How does a person carry out an extractional function of the skin?

    I) in the skin there are sweat glands

    2) Sweat glands produce sweat, which contains urea, uric acid, ammonia and other exchange products

    67. Why does a person be bothered if he has a visual nerve function?

    1) the distinction of visual irritations occurs in the occipital zone of the cortex of large hemispheres

    2) In disruption of the functions of the optic nerve, the nerve impulses cannot reach the visual centers of the occipital cortex of the large hemispheres

    68. Can a person eat only fats, excluding protein food from the diet?

    1) can not.

    2) The absence of proteins will lead to the fact that the following functions will be performed in the cells: enzymatic, motor, protective, transport.

    3) Synthesis proteins from fats are impossible, because Proteins have a more complex structure (their molecules include nitrogen and sulfur).

    69. What happens to the cells of the epithelial tissue if they are placed in the water? Justify the answer.

    1) the concentration of substances in the cell is higher than in its surrounding water;

    2) water enters the cell whose volume increases;

    3) Under the pressure of water, the plasma membrane is broken, the cell dies.

    70. What is manifested bad influence Drugs on the offspring of man?

    Narcotic substances have mutagenic properties, that is, they are able to cause changes in genes and chromosomes. Most often, such mutations are harmful to humans.

    71. What substances are derived from the human body by various organs performing an excretory function?

    The excretory function in the human body is performed: kidneys, leather, lungs.

    1) Carbon dioxide, water pairs are excreted through the lungs from the human body;

    2) water, a small amount of urea, salts are removed through sweat glands of the skin;

    3) Through the kidneys, the final products of nitrogen exchange, salts, water occurs.

    72. What role in the life of the cell is the splitting of organic substances?

    1) with the splitting of organic substances the energy is released

    2) Energy is used for cell life

    73. What role does oxygen play in human life?

    1) Oxygen causes oxidation of organic substances in cells and tissues

    2) when oxidation occurs the release of energy

    74. Why is the number of fishing fish can dramatically cut during the destruction of predatory fish in the reservoir?

    1) the destruction of predators leads to a sharp increase in the number of vegetation fish and strengthening competition between them;

    2) a large number of herbivorous fish helps to reduce the feed base, distribute among them various diseasesThis will lead to the mass death of fish.

    75. What changes in the ecosystem of the meadow can lead to a reduction in the number of insect pollinkers?

    1) reduce the number of insectopillary plants, a change in the species composition of plants;

    2) reduction in the number and change in the species composition of herbivorous animals; 3) reduce the number of insectivore animals.

    76. Based on the rules of the ecological pyramid, determine how much grain needed so that the forest grew up one Filin weighing 3.5 kg, if the supply chain is:

    grain Zlakov - Mouse Polevka - Horing - Filin.

    1) According to the rule of the ecological pyramid, the biomass of each subsequent trophic level decreases

    approximately 10 times;

    2) Therefore, for nutritional filin it is necessary to 35 kg of ferret biomass (if the mass of one ferret is about 0.5 kg, then it is -70 ferrets, it is necessary to supply ferrets 350 kg of biomass of pools (if the funny mouse weighs about 100 g, then it is 35 000 voles), which requires 3 500 kg of grain to power.

    77. What is dangerous acid rains?

    First of all, heavy metal oxides that fall into the soil along with rains are toxic. The groundwater Penetrate the reservoirs and poison them. In turn, it threatens the death of water bodies. The poisoning substances also affect the composition of the soil, on the root systems of plants, and this leads to the oppression of their livelihoods and death.

    78. In the stems of some plants there are ants. What is the use of plants from ants, and ants from the plant?

    79. Fishermen know that in rivers and streams, developed by the beabons, there are more fish than in reservoirs, where there are no beavers. Explain this fact?

    1) beavers build dams that prevent demolition by the flow of small aquatic animals serving feed for fish;

    2) Standing and shallow water in ponds, bobbed, well warmed, which contributes to the creation of conditions for the spawning of river fish and the favorable development of fry.

    80. In the spruce forest of grassy plants is significantly less than in the birch grove. Explain this phenomenon.

    1) in the grove through the crowns of trees, much more light passes than in the spruce forest, the light is a limiting factor for many plants;

    2) Only shadowish herbaceous plants may exist in a spruce forest.

    81. To combat insect pests, a person applies chemicals. Specify at least 3 changes in the life of the oak in the event that all herbivorous insects are destroyed in it. Explain why these changes will occur.

    1) the number of insectopillary plants will dramatically decrease dramatically, as the vegetative insects are pollinators of plants;

    2) insectivore organisms (consutions II of the procedure) abruptly reduce the number of or disappear due to disorders of the power circuits;

    3) A part of the chemicals that destroyed insects will fall into the soil, which will lead to a violation of the vital activity of plants, the death of the soil flora and fauna, all violations can lead to the death of the oak.

    82. In some forest biocenoses to protect chicken birds, a massive shooting of day predatory birds was carried out. Explain how this event is reflected in the number of chicken.

    Response elements: 1) Initially, the number of chicken increased, since their enemies were destroyed (naturally regulating the number); 2) then the number of chicken decreased due to the lack of feed; 3) the number of patients and weakened individuals increased due to the spread of diseases and the absence of predators, as a result of which their number decreased.

    83. What is the environmental value of nodule bacteria for plants?

    The nodule bacteria form symbiosis with bean plants and are involved in fixing the atmospheric nitrogen into mineral compounds available to plants.

    84. Explain how the self-setting of the part of the spruce forest will occur, burned as a result of a forest fire.

    1) the first developing grassy light-loving plants;

    2) then the shoots of birch, aspen, pines, whose seeds were fell by wind, formed a small or pine forest;

    3) Shadowish fir trees are developing under the canopy of light-affiliated rocks, which will subsequently completely outpace other trees.

    85. Explain the advantage of biological methods to combat pests over with chemical.

    Biological protection methods are the use of natural enemies. For example, insectivore birds destroy insects - pests.

    It is prevented by pollution of the medium, while the fauna and flora preserves. After all, not only pests die from the pests, but all insects.

    86. Why is the oxygen concentration in the lower layers of the atmosphere?

    1) reducing the green cover of the Earth as a result of the deforestation of forests and the death of phytoplankton of the World Ocean due to its pollution;

    2) oxygen consumption by vehicles and industry

    87. What is the cause of the greenhouse effect?

    The greenhouse effect is the process of gradual warming on our planet as a result of an increase in concentration in the atmosphere of anthropogenic impurities (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide, ozone, freons), which, passing the solar rays, prevent long-wave thermal radiation with ground surface. Part of this absorbed heat radiation is reflected by the atmosphere, returns back to the earth's surface and heats the surface layer of air, creating a greenhouse effect. The main source of carbon dioxide of anthropogenic origin is the burning of coal, oil, gas and other fuel.

    88. The mass extermination of wolves in a number of regions led to a decrease in the number of ungulates, such as deer. How can this be explained?

    Wolves perform the role of sanitation, destroy patients and weak animals, carrying out the role of natural selection. The disappearance of wolves leads to the spread of diseases among ungulates and reduce their numbers.

    89. Clover grows in the meadow, pollined by bumblebees. What biotic factors can lead to a reduction in the number of clover population?

    Biotic factors - wildlife factors.

    1) reduction of the number of bumblebees;

    2) an increase in the number of vegetation animals;

    3) reproduction of competitors (cereals, etc.).

    90. A man calmly eats eggs, meat and other products containing proteins. Why are proteins not administered immediately into blood?

    If the proteins are inserted directly into the blood, the reaction of the rejection of the alien protein will begin.

    91. Why the fruit drying saves them from rotting.

    1) for the vital activity of rotary bacteria and mold mushrooms, like other organisms, water is needed;

    2) On dried fruits, these organisms cannot develop.

    92. How does a person use bacteria?

    1) in sewage treatment facilities;

    2) in the household and food industry;

    3) in microbiological synthesis;

    4) to obtain a number of drugs.

    93. How to prevent food from rotting?

    Product rotation causes putrid bacteria. Their activity and reproduction depress: low temperature, lack of moisture or presence of some substances - preservatives, such as acetic acid, large number Salt salt, etc.

    So that the products are not spoiled, they are stored in frozen, canned, dry, creating adverse conditions for the life of bacteria of rotting.

    94. Why increase temperatures above 40 ° dangerous for life?

    Many proteins are performed in the cells the role of the catalysts -Eferments. Enzymes act only at a certain temperature (optimally 38 ° C) and the pH of the medium. A long-term increase in temperature above 38 ° C causes a change in the structure of the enzyme molecule (denaturation), its activity is reduced, and then stops. This leads to a violation of the entire metabolism.

    At temperatures above 40 ° C, denaturation of proteins occurs, including enzymes.

    95. Why are there not inherited signs acquired during life?

    Because the acquired changes do not affect the genotype

    96. What is the purpose of the genealogical method of studying human genetics?

    1) to study pedigree families

    2) to identify the nature of the study of the signs: dominant or recessive

    3) to predict the probability of hereditary diseases in the descendants

    97. Why is it important to eat in the same clock?

    When food is used in the same clock in the body, the formation of conditional juice reflexes on time and food is better digested.

    98. Why do you feel dangerous to eat mushrooms collected near the highway?

    Poison substances (slices of lead and other heavy metals) are accumulated at the bottom, which can cause poisoning and even a deadly outcome.

    99. Explain the reason for the accumulation of pus with inflammatory processes in the tissues.

    Pump is formed as a result of leukocyte activities, which devour bacteria, foreign bodies and die.

    100. What is the reason for the rejection of transplanted organs and tissues?

    The reason for the rehabilitation of transplant organs and tissues is the body's immune response to alien cells and proteins. For the body, transplanted organs are an alien body. Immunity protective mechanism comes into force.

    101. What is explained by the changes in the organs of the digestion, the composition of the blood, activity of the nervous system caused by a bovine chain?

    The bullish chain allocates poisonous substances into the intestine of a person, they are absorbed into the blood and poison its body.

    102. What needs to be done to not get infected by a bull chain, a wide lentinee?

    In order not to infect a bull chain, it is necessary to taste meat well, but it is better to use meat that has passed a veterinary inspection. After all, infected meat (Finns - bubbles with a bovine chain head) are not allowed for sale, selling in the markets.

    In order not to infect with a wide tapest, you need to taste well, to deliver fish for at least 20 minutes. It is impossible to use saline, dried at home fish, as well as raw fish.

    103. What is the difference in vaccination from therapeutic serum?

    1) when vaccinated in the body, a vaccine (killed or weakened causative agents of the disease or their poisons) is introduced;

    2) when vaccinated, the body produces protective antibodies;

    3) Therapeutic serum contains ready-made antibodies.

    104. Why when boarding or landing the aircraft, passengers recommend sucking lollipops?

    1) when boarding or landing the aircraft, atmospheric pressure changes, which causes unpleasant sensations in the middle ear, where the initial pressure on the eardrum is preserved longer;

    2) swallowing movements lead to the disclosure of the auditory (Evstachiyeva) pipe, through which the pressure in the cavity of the middle ear with pressure in the environment is leveling.

    105. Why in hot shops for thickening thirst recommended to drink salted water?

    1) A man in hot shops violates the water-salt balance due to loss along with then water and mineral salts;

    2) Sliced \u200b\u200bwater restores the normal water-salt balance between the tissues and the inner medium of the body.

    106. What consequences can the violation of the kidney activities in humans?

    1) change chemical composition internal environment (the concentration of IT salts increases);

    2) the body poisoning of protein exchange products.

    107. Why can not be taken in the mouth of the Trestiki on raw meadows?

    On the stems and leaves of plants there may be larvae of a hepatic loser.

    108. Why can not eat raw food, poorly fault or poorly roasted beef?

    The meat may contain a bull chain finn.

    109. Describe the path that will pass the drug introduced into the vein on the left hand if it should affect the brain.

    1) on the Viennes of the Big Circulation Circulation Current will go into the right atrium, and then in the right ventricle;

    2) from the right ventricle on the vessels of a small circle to the left atrium;

    3) from the left atrium in the left ventricle, then on the aorta and the carotid artery of a large circle to the brain.

    110. According to statistics, smoking people are much more likely to suffer from chronic cardiovascular diseases than non-smoking. Explain that poisonous substances (carbon monoxide, nicotine) contained in tobacco smoke are affected by the erythrocytes of the blood and blood vessels of the smokers.

    1) There is a sharp narrowing of blood vessels, blood pressure increases in them.

    2) the elasticity of blood vessels is reduced, harmful and poisonous substances can be laid on their walls.

    3) The interaction of carbon monoxites with erythrocytes occurs, as a result of which the ability of the erythrocytes is sharply reduced to attach oxygen.

    111. In the human diet, not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also vitamins should be included. What is this explained?

    1) Vitamins are necessary for normal metabolism.

    2) In the human body, vitamins are practically not formed (some vitamins are formed in minor quantities). Therefore, their receipt is necessary (the main source of vitamins are plants, microorganisms).

    112. What is dangerous drug addiction?

    Harmful effect on the bark of the brain and, consequently, serious disorders of the nervous system. Violations in the cerebral cortex leads to the asocial behavior of people, they become dangerous to society, and not only harm their health.

    113. What is dangerous smoking?

    Tobacco contains nicotine and resin, which are harmful factors affecting nervous system, as well as on the body as a whole. The resins contain carcinogens leading to oncological diseases. Smoking of a pregnant woman can affect the state of the future child, and smoking in adolescence reduces mental activity and increases fatigue.

    Using knowledge of the somatic regulation of the activity of skeletal muscles and the vegetative regulation of internal organs, explain the following hygienic rule: the morning charge should be started with small loads, and then gradually increase them.

    114. Calcium salts are removed from donor blood by adding substances that cause loss of these salts to the sediment. Why do it?

    1) donor blood transfuse people who need it;

    2) Calcium ions take part in the blood coagulation process, so they are cleaned to prevent coagulation.

    115. The boy noticed that he had a sharpness of vision with weak lighting. What could cause impairment of vision?

    1) visual acuity with weak lighting depends on the functioning of the sticks;

    3) The cause of vitamin A may be the cause of vitamin A in nutrition, this disease is called "chicken blindness".

    116. What useful blood coagulation?

    This is a protective mechanism that protects the body from blood loss.

    117. How to find out in bleeding, what blood vessel is damaged?

    If bleeding is characterized by blood release throughout the surface of the fabric, it is capillary bleeding, damaged vessels - capillaries.

    If bleeding is characterized by uniformly continuous blood release, non-pulsing jet and blood color dark red, is venous bleeding, damaged vein.

    If the bleeding is characterized by the flowing of the blood fountain-shaped pulsating jet and the blood of scarlet color, is arterial bleeding, the artery is damaged.

    118. Why do painful sensations appear in muscles after their work?

    The painful sensations in the muscles appear after work, because there is an accumulation of non-separable lactic acid.

    119. With a long stay in the sun, the human skin acquires a brown tint. What is it connected and what is the biological value?

    1) the darkness of the skin under the action of sunlight is caused by the increase in accumulation in the cells of the lower layers of the epithelium of the pigment of melanin;

    2) Melanin absorbs ultraviolet rays and protects the human body from their harmful effects.

    120. Why the inflammatory process can spread out of the nasopharynx in the middle ear?

    1) Pause microorganisms can get from the nasopharynx in the middle ear through the hearing tube

    2) the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in the middle ear can lead to an inflammatory process.

    1) When reading the lying and in moving transport it is impossible to hold the constant distance between the eyes and the book.

    2) At the same time, there is a violation of the refractive ability of the eye, the elasticity of the lens is disturbed.

    122. Why with strong, sharp sounds you can not keep your mouth closed? (Why do you need to open your mouth with explosions?)

    1) In the middle ear there is a hearing tube (Eustachiev), which connects the cavity of the middle ear with the nasophal

    2) When the mouth is open, the pressure on the eardrum is aligned with the outer and inner side

    123. Why When we gnaw a solid tender, then hearing a deafening noise?

    1) the bones of the skull, like all the solid and elastic bodies, spend very well, and the sound in a dense medium is enhanced

    2) Therefore, a crash of a crush, which has come down to the ear through the air, is perceived as a light noise, but the same crack turns into the roar, if it comes to a hearing nerve through the firm bones of the skull

    124. what first help need to be affected when tensile or bursting bundles?

    1) peace or tight binting joint

    2) cold on a damaged place and deliver to the medical institution

    125. How, using a magnet, can be cleaned by seeds of cultivated plants (for example, flax, clover, alfalfa) from weed seeds?

    1) weeds have dilated seeds, clinging for animal wool

    2) The clogged seeds are sprinkled with iron powder (iron grains fill the seeds of weeds), and then with the help of a magnet they are divided into clean seeds and a weed adherence


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