What are the causes of conflicts among preschool children. Summary: Recommendations on how to resolve conflicts between children of preschool age in the game activity

What are the causes of conflicts among preschool children. Summary: Recommendations on how to resolve conflicts between children of preschool age in the game activity

Consultation: Conflicts of preschool children.


    The strategy of ignoring. Without a doubt, what pre-school children will take away at any point in the social conflict, but it is unlikely that they will gain the mark of social reconciliation. If you don’t help the opposing sides to feel and understand one another, you yourself won’t hear the stench of it. - the point of conflict was baked to the limit, and the absolute majority of the killers themselves do not know why they are drawn to fight. Likewise, if children ignore beats, the stench will be renewed again and again. And the smut - the child of the soul of roses, feels a sense of mutual hatred.

    The strategy of strangulation is that punishment. The most simple and extended strategy: barking, roaming in kutah, approximately punishing, calling out fathers. Such a strategy is brought to such a point that the obvious conflicts fade away, and then the children of preschoolers roar from this vysnovka, so that they should sing a hundred for the help of curcules, it is necessary to sweat, in a calm place. The conflict, not ending with the group, will be continued by the cordon. And for some children, it will be a sign of dodatkovy heroism: it’s not only a beat one with one, but an absentee beat with grown-ups, that they are punished.

    Spivpratsi strategy. The best and most effective strategy lies in the fact that the grown-up helps children to grow up in their inner experiences, as they have led to a conflict, and at the same time they try to blame and try different ways of reconciliation. It is possible, obviously, situationally, to reconcile children, to weld, as if by a universal pedagogical move - for example, to cry out for a thunder, or I am in a right-handed way with a right-handed sleep. Ale only then, if not s too deep. Truth be told, if you ever know such a reconciliation, you can only help situationally. Age conflict is only a marker of some kind of internal stress that preschool children experience. Especially, as conflicts are born again and again, as if a child is born of conflict.

The teacher needs an hour to resolve the conflict:

First, recognize the presence of the protilean goals in the participants in the conflict, recognize these participants themselves. In fact, it’s easy to say goodbye simply to virishity behind the splendid manifestations, the shards in the conflict of preschoolers react emotionally to those who are concerned, and they themselves tell about the conflict.

In a different way, reveal a number of food that will become a subject of conflict. The main problem lies in the fact that it is important to distinguish between vicorists, what is the subject of conflict, and what is not. At this stage, the conflict approaches, the positions of the parties are revealed, the points of greatest difference and the points of possible convergence of positions are determined.

When the conflict is resolved, the teacher bears professional responsibility for the correct resolution of the situation of the conflict: nursery garden- A model of supremacy, deviance to conquer social norms between people.

For different reasons, the participants, the eyes of the teacher and the children, work in different ways. The presence of other preschool children in conflict transforms them from evidence on the participants, and the conflict gains a spiritual sense.

The professional position of a teacher is to take the initiative to resolve the conflict and to put in the first place the interests of special interests that are being formed. But all the same, the children of conflicts are easier to overcome, less successful to win. Oskіlki edagogovі vіdvoditsya role poserіgacha-intermediary, then yogo golovna meta - tsіlespryatvovaniy vplіvnіnnya reasons that gave rise to a conflict, prevention of the behavior of the participants in the conflict, ensuring the normal exchange is more important than the verbal actions of the participants in the conflict . The identity of the teacher in the conflict is not the subject itself and the material of the conflict, but the formal side of the relationship, that is. yoga organization.


Also, as a result of a theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem of conflicts between children of the preschool age gaming activities, we come to the next vysnovkiv:

    Under the conflict, the most important way of resolving significant contradictions is understood, which is blamed on the process of mutual modality, which is used in opposition to the subject of the conflict and sound accompanied by negative emotions. The conflict has a single structure: subject, object, subject, participants, conflict subdivision, conflict situation.

    Among the reasons for blaming conflicts between preschool children in children are as follows: ruining the game, when choosing the main game by those people, according to the warehouse of the participants in the game, through roles, through games, to drive the plot of the game, to drive the correctness of the game. The conflict situation overgrows in conflicts only for spіlnih іgrovyh dіyah dіyakh іt odnolitkіv. The situation is similar in vipadkas, if it is super-sharpness: between unilateral and objective abilities of children in grі (the rest appear lower than they could) or between the needs of children and uniliters (you need to know beyond the borders of gri).

    Having learned more about the development of types of conflict in preschool children, having delved deeper into the essence of this, one can judge whether the methods can be more effective than the other way around, and how the methods of play can be more effective in pedagogical methods.


meta gri: develop respect, physical vibrancy, coordination of movements, purposefulness Necessary materials and reference materials: a long-term and wise skein, 2 toys, fun music. Hid gri Have tsіy grі can take the fate of 2 graves. Vaughn is a variation on a visible bike. The participants are tied one to one with a motuz by the belt. With this stench, back to back is rotting. On the vіdstanі meter vіd them sіd put a toy or whether it be some other object. At the command of the leader, the participants can make a lot of toys. It is necessary for the skin of them to be pulled over to your own bik supernik. It will end in that mood, if some of the participants in the distance have their own toy.


meta gri: develop respect, memory, communicative and analytical vibes, caution. Hid gri All the participants spit their eyes, and the host chooses one of them and puts yoga for a firanka. Let's keep our eyes open, and the host will explain the task. Children are responsible for knowing who is behind the curtain (or just analyze who is not among them). Then we are guilty of guessing the yakomog more than one of his features (the color of the eyes, the wines have clothes, like the new hair, etc.), so that the yakomog is guilty of giving the exact yogic portrait. If the lads hang on their shoulders, you can win a grave for a firnka, and reshta pat, how important letters are described. As the participants of the gris of a small century, the rules of the gris can be explained to the extent that the stench flattens the eyes. So the stench can already purposefully analyze the soundness of one and the same and remember more richly than other vibes.


meta gri: develop communication skills, coordination, respect, caution Necessary materials and learning aids: fun music. Hid gri Have tsіy grі take the fate of at least 6 osib. Most of the gravel is only hovering. All the participants are to blame one by one and put their hands on their shoulders to stand in front. Gravets, who appears first, be direct and leading. The lads are obliged to guard the leader and follow strictly in the footsteps. For the help of music, you can mourn and uplift Rukh. How can the boys cope with these tasks, yoga can be folded. The leader can show not only directly, but yakіs cunningly ruhi. For example, shifting on one nose, shifting in the rhythm of lambadi (whom the music helps), like manipulating hands thinly. Those participants, as if they didn’t run into the bosses, vibrate from the lancer.


meta gri: to develop communication skills, respect, coordination, analytical skills Necessary materials and learning aids: guidelines for a skin participant, a crime for one. Hid gri Tsya gra is suitable for cob acquaintance. It helps to establish contact between children, avoiding the appearance of an informal situation. The mustache participants, the crime of one (wine will be the first leader), may sit on the pillars. At this hour, the leader is guilty of naming a sign, sleeping for all (or for some) participants. You can also have a hair color, state belonging, wardrobe details, etc. Pіslya moreover, as wine yоgo name, tі participants, to which the name is assigned, they are guilty of commemoration. With the help of the leading meta - you yourself should take the stіlets. That participant, who did not succeed in sіsti on stіlets, becomes new. Vіn may name a new capacity, I will create a united number of participants. Now, behind the team, the stench may be remembered by missions. For the leader, it is important to rob raptovo, so that you yourself can take a seat.


Objective: Close children in bed with other children, develop the skills of empathy, trust them to the point of delight.

Hid gri: All the participants in the group stand up one to one, watching one to one. At the center of the stake there is one of the participants. The one who stands at the center (wax stick), flattens his eyes and relaxes as much as possible; yogo rozgodyuyut reshta participants in the group. Bazhano, a skin child to the group


    1. Galiguzova L.M. Common spellings: up to seven years. - M, 1992

      Mukhina V.S. Vikova psychology. - M., 1998.

      Nifontova O.V. Vchimo children virishuvati conflict. - M, 2011.

      Smirnova O.O. Peculiarities of dealing with preschool children.-M, 2000.

      D.V. No. 1 2003 T. Pavlenko, O. Ruzka Why do stinks conflict?

Course work from pedagogy on the topic

Pedagogical conflicts and ways of their manifestation


1. Understanding the pedagogical conflict and yoga type……………………………….5

2. Types of conflicts post school………………………………………… 12

3. Options for preventing and resolving conflicts…………………..18

Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………… 25

List of written literature…………………………………………….. 27


Today, the whole world is in danger of growing aggressive atmosphere, zhorstokosti. Tse stosuetsya as interethnic brethren, and th brethren among okremim people. For this, it’s already important to swivel in children for the first time in a kindly way to the comforting ones, and to be respectfully put up to the neighbors.

Ale, unfortunately, the current problem of the world did not overtake my school life. In recent publications, one can often break down the source of conflicts in schools. Dzherelom їх, as a rule, the fall of the teacher's interest to the individual child, the lack of understanding of the inner world.

The blame for problematic and conflict situations has been brought to bear on the decline in the prestige of the teaching profession in the school community, authoritarianism in the school administration, increased tension in the international community in the school society.

It is not so rare that conflicts are accompanied by violence. Acts from them can end even more deplorably, both for the teacher and for the child.

Today’s children began to grow up either with a new baiduzhist to people who would alienate them, or with a rare zhorstokistyu to the whole zhorstokistyu, through which the teacher can’t spit on them, even for such children, the teacher doesn’t know whom the stench needs to be respected. For this reason, the reasons for the permissions of the conflict were one of the reasons for raising one's authority, and no less. Such a situation can positively affect a child, look deep into it and take a look at the world.

The problem of bitterness in Rest hour It is especially relevant for the cob school, for which it is possible to form the special features of a future person, and the main creator is the teacher. It is also important for you to remember ahead of conflicts and competently deal with them.

Tsya course work is dedicated to the development of conflict situations and ways of their virishennia.

L. S. Vigotsky, A. A. Leontiev, A. S. Makarenko were engaged in the study of this food.

Depending on the relevance, we have chosen the topic "Pedagogical conflicts and paths of their vision".

Tsіl term paper– to learn the typology of pedagogical conflicts and to reveal the ways of their virishennya.

Vіdpovіdno to the point we can see the main tasks:

1. Look at the understanding of the pedagogical conflict, yoga tipi;

2. Consider the main types of conflict situations in the pochatkovy school;

3. Reveal the main options for the prevention and regulation of conflicts.

1. Understanding the pedagogical conflict and yoga type

In this hour, in the theory and practice of pedagogy, a significant stock of facts and cautions have been accumulated for trying to put food about the design of theoretical directing - pedagogical conflictology, as an independent study of the science of enlightenment. The problem of pedagogical conflicts lies to the extent of scientific knowledge, which is possible in all sciences, both social and technical.

Pedagogical conflictology is a theoretical and applied direct, the main recognition of which is the discovery of the nature of the causes of pedagogical conflicts, the development of methods for their practical regulation and virishennya.

Conflict over the dictionary Z.I. Ozhegova - zіtknennya, serious rozbіzhnіst, super girl. The “Radyansky Encyclopedic Dictionary” is understandable, it may be so self-explanatory, so that it is like a zіtknennya of sides, thoughts, forces. The "Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary" does not include the concept of "conflict" before the stock of lexical units. Yogo equivalent - "superity" - is seen as the interplay of opposite, mutually inclusive sides and trends, objects and phenomena. The term "conflict" is no longer used to denote the meaning of the fortune tellers of class interests, protirich.

Conflict is a form of social interaction between two or more subjects (subjects can be represented by an individual / group / themselves - in a different internal conflict), which is due to the diversity of interests, interests, or similarities.

Otherwise, it seems, a conflict is a situation, if two more subjects are mutually modifiable in such a way that the shortest time is ahead of the satisfied interests, the adoption, the values ​​​​of which the bazhan of one of them means the shortest backward to another.

The next difference between the concepts of "conflict" and "conflict situation", there is a difference between them.

A conflict situation is such a combination of human interests that I create a support for a real confrontation between social subjects. The head of rice is the blame for the subject of the conflict, but for the time being there is still an active struggle.

So that the development of a conflict situation is always ahead of the conflict, which is its basis.

In respect of the conflict as an effective way of the individual’s contribution to specialty, it is shown that it is possible to substantiate conflict situations only on the basis of special psychological and pedagogical knowledge and other relevant ones. For an hour, a lot of readers negatively assess whether a conflict is like a manifestation that tells about failures in their spiritual work. Most of the pedagogues, as it were, were guarded by the very word “conflict”, which is evidence of understanding associating with the worsening of mutual relations, the destruction of discipline, a manifestation of shkidlivim for the whirlwind process. There is no way to avoid the uniqueness of conflicts, but for the obviousness of them, they try to extinguish the outer manifestations of the rest.

By itself, the pedagogical conflict is a normal social phenomenon, entirely natural to such a dynamic society, such as a school. The modern conflictological paradigm orients the mass awareness of people to the understanding of the inevitability of conflicts in various spheres of human activity, culture and pedagogy. However, the weak conflictological training of teachers and educational institutions, which in practice is often affected by school conflicts, knows the best ways to advance this training, as a rule, have a negative impact on the organization of the primary-vocational process at school.

P align = "Justify"> teacher's confline can be returned to be aware of the vikniki я ї іzhosobistісной обоводії учасї constructive translation of the zіtknennya storіn konflіktu v zatsіkavlene usunennya. In this way, in this tumultuous pedagogical conflict, as a different type of conflicts, we are faced with respect for the sphere of yoga (primary-virginal process), the particularity of subjects (readers and children), emotional decay. Particularly pay attention to those who have a pedagogical conflict in the form of subjective-subjective protirich, who have become arrogant, which is even better for the purpose of promoting yoga and training.

In pedagogical conflictology, theoretically, there is no separation between such concepts as opponents, opponents, subjects, parties to the conflict. The data of understanding among the subjects of rich scientists are synonyms.

Important understandings, without any conflictology (zocrema and pedagogical) as science is impossible to function, є: conflict situation, conflict interaction, incident.

On the thought of a number of previous reports from pedagogues, the conflict situation is in front of the conflict, warehouses and subjects and the object of the conflict with the usima їhnіmi and characteristics (Bityanova M. R., Verenikina N. M.) to accept as a succession of objective and subjective minds that blame the school society and create a psychological strain, through the easing of the rational control of the subject's interaction and activation of their emotional response to molding. If the conflict situation has grown into a conflict, an incident is needed. An incident is a reason for a conflict, a specific situation, like a “trigger mechanism” that gives rise to a development of the future. According to M. R. Bityanova, “the incident is a situation of mutual modality, which allows us to make the participants aware of the manifestation of an objective violation of interests and purposes.” It is important to wait for the similar assertions. The incident is far from a known fact. Vіn often stands as a reason for confrontation. The incident itself will lead to the transition of a conflict situation to a conflict relationship.

Pedagogical conflict is a complex phenomenon that arises, sounds, from objective and subjective reasons. As far as objective reasons, one can consider the social and economic establishment of the teaching of the country as a blackout and without middle ground - the peculiarity of the minds of pedagogical activity in this gallery, districts, initial mortgage. The subjective causes of manifestations are more important than the specifics of inter-specialty symptoms in high school society, conditioned by the peculiarities of the psychological structure of the skin participant in the initial-visual process, which are individually-psychological, suspіlno-specially-psychologically-scientific and scientifically plausible. Also, one can say that the pedagogical conflict, sound, is blamed on the improvement of objective minds for a kind of included subjective official. Prote, in practice there are few facts that indicate the priority role of the most subjective official in provoking conflicts in high school society.

With conflicts in the sphere of interdependence, grown-up children tend to finish early. Like foreigners, and vicissians, the last ones make their appearance until the age of one to two years. Why blame conflicts in children? Through toys for young preschoolers, roles - middle ones, rules of play - for the older one. The reason for the conflict is always the age-old development of the child.

Show conflicts in the preschool age - ce interrelationships of moral and immoral aspects in the development of specialness.

The conflict may fade and fade. Deyakі chinniki mozhut zagostryuvati rebіg konflіktu, іnshі navpak easing.

Officials who are planning to break the conflict in the children's team:

The rise and fall of showing passions (anger, fear, anxiety, rozcharuvannya);

Having shown a baiduzhostі from the side of the grown-up to the conflict, scho wine;

Vіdsutnіst sprob vstanovlennya and pіdtrimki vіdnosin yak from the side of grown-ups, and from the side of the participants in the conflict themselves - children;

Escalation, replication of conflict situations, increase in the number of children, participants in the conflict, who take that other side;

Beloved fathers.

Officials, yakі lead easing the conflict:

A look at the neutral side;

Rozmov about emotions, explanation, ale s demonstration їх;

Threatening the change, the visibility of that victoriousness of children and grown-ups, reduce that communicative skill in regulating conflicts;

Preservation and protection of international specialties.

Object childish conflict speaks concrete material (igra, book, rіch and іn.) or spiritual and moral value (friendly vіdnosinny, vyznannya), to volodіnnya or yakо pragnate the conflicting parties. The subjects of the conflict are children, with their own needs, interests, motives and statements about values.

Children of conflicts, especially in the older preschool age, in spite of the difference, may have a heady stage of overrun:

1. molding of super-clear interests, values, norms;

2. transition of a potential conflict to a real one;

3. conflict subdivision and emotional image;

4. understanding the resolution of the conflict.

Causes of blame for conflicts between children are caused, as a rule, with special sprinyatty of what is happening at the same time, with a sensitive reaction to the behavior of that child, rozbіzhnistyu at the sights of the correct game, in the game.

Behind the stage and form of the zіtknennya, the child conflicts can be: vіdkrimi (super, welding) and attachment (dії tishkom-nishkom, masking the right names); spontaneous, scho vinickly spontaneously, and navmisni, planning or provoking.

In the situation, instead of showing kindness and humility, in the mind you act in special ways for the sake of reaching the common goals of the child, which always knows the need for ways of behavior, and it often leads to conflict. Children do not know how to feel and act. Therefore, if a preschooler learns his inner light, his own experience, thoughts, interests, it is important to show that he is aware of others. Vіn bachit only zovnіshnіshnії povedіnku іnshoy, but not razumіє, shko kozhen odnoletok - svoїsistіstі, і і ії ії sіїshnіshnіm svіt, іnteresy, bazhannyami.

The real ones can be made more playful, like the initiator of the play takes on a role, but really plays the role. If children are not able to house themselves among themselves - they fall apart. The most popular and unpopular children are seen among the most popular. Popular children, as a rule, are sprytnі, vmіlі, tamushі і ohaynі, unpopular zarakhovuy neohaynyh, quiet, whiny, shkidlivih, aggressive, weak and quiet, scho filthy vodіyut іgrovymi іyami mova. In conflict with unpopular children, tension can be blamed, the main reason for this is the neglect of one-year-old children from her. For 5-6-year-old children, it is significant to accept them as one-year-olds, even more importantly, their assessment, praise, and hoarding. The stench is squeamishly set up to vikonannya role (“so bova” and so “not bova”), urged to confirm the grading of gravity (in terms of fault, it seems: “I won’t do it again”), to practice the need for grie dії. Children should take into account the need to take the role of children and show themselves in their own way, in a different way, to deal with the situation of success and failure. So, in the situation of success, they change a little bit of joy, but the stench can be angry if something else fails. In a situation of failure, they often get embarrassed, they feel annoyance and annoyance.

All these aspects of children's behavior can provoke a conflict between them. Glibina, the triviality of conflicts among preschool children is rich in why to lie down in the light of their acquired family skills. However, a grown-up person is not guilty of taking on himself the manifestation of childish conflicts in grі - tse allow children to reach self-appointment by increasing to the values ​​​​of cohesion, spivpracі, vzaєmodії in intersobistіsmu and collective social space.

Children from low self-esteem, from the rise of equal anxiety the most conflicts. In the studies of V.A. Pinchuk showed that anxiety is motivated by a conflicted everyday self-esteem, if two protracted tendencies are actualized at the same time - the need to evaluate yourself highly, from one side, and the one that feels unsettled - from the other side. Itself from the internal camp of the preschooler is connected with yogo conflict.

Through war of wrong vihovannya, zavshicheniye otsenok grown up svіhіv chіtіn, zahvalіvannya, bіlshennya yоgo reach, nіzh yak showing congenital pragnennya perevada develops an inadequately high self-esteem in children's age.

If those close to you highly appreciate a child, then the child develops such a self-esteem, as a whole sovereignty. Vіn bazhає save your high self-esteem, the shards of the zavdyak їy may self-advance and well-established one-liners. Mayuchi inadequately high self-esteem, preschooler bazhaє mother high rіven the reach of a high school, but for someone else, you may not have enough knowledge and wisdom, a negative character may not allow you to become a middle class of the same age. If this is the case, then there will be an internal conflict between high claims that real possibilities. After what spratsovuє mekhanіzm zahistu, which does not allow the recognition of failure, spend self-pity, unsungness. The child begins to blame the causes of his failures in other people: fathers, teachers, comrades. Vіn do not know those that the reason is in the new most conflict with the usima, which indicates that there is not enough time. At the new one, such viciousness begins to appear, like dramatization, strife, aggressiveness.

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Violent changes in the social and economic spheres of life lead to increased tension in the international waters. Therefore, the problem of inter-society conflicts and their positive outlook is becoming especially important today.

The problematics of conflict and conflict interdependence is well known in pedagogy and psychology. It does not mean the fact that the specifics of the behavior of the conflict, the readiness and unpreparedness to deal with conflict situations begin to develop in children.

In the preschool age itself, statements about the conflict and the conflict situation are formed, the nature of which is rich in which the real behavior of the child in the conflict is shown.

The pre-school age is a particularly late period in Vihovanni. Vіn є vіkom vіkom kobkovogo stavlennja ditynі. At the same time, the spliced ​​children with one-year-olds blame each other for folding, yakі istotno add to the development of yoga special. Collaboration with one-year-olds plays the most important role in the life of a preschooler. Vono is the mental molding of the suppleness of the children, showing that the development of the soil of the collective mutual relations of the children. preschool gaming conflict

It is vital and important for us to develop the development of inter-specialty wines at the first stages of becoming special, because the conflict between children's children and single-year-olds can act as a serious threat to special development. To this very fact, information about the peculiarities of the development of a child individual in important, unfriendly mind On this Etapі їїn, I choose the basic stereotypis, the psychologists of the Nivazhivіni Vіdnosin of the Sobistosti to the Navalichny Socialist Sviti, to myself, clarifying the knowledge about the cause, nature, the log of the Division.

It’s not safe to say that the negative vibes that appeared in the child, in connection with the peculiarities of the preschool age, everything is farther away, the formation of special features can appear in the new school team, full vodnosin with lonely people, we’ll have light-heartedness.

Before the problem of conflict in the pre-school age, there were a lot of historical and foreign works: L.S. Vigotsky, D.B. Elkonin, A.V. Zaporozhets, Ya.L. .S.Mukhina, T.N.Shchasna, N.Ya.Mikhailenko, A.A.Royak, A.S.

Meta-report: to find out the causes and peculiarities of the conflicts in the gaming activity in children of the preschool age.

Object of follow-up: conflict.

Subject: mutually preschool at grі.

Hypothesis: the main causes of conflicts are changing from age to child: chim older child, these are different causes of conflicts.

Give an analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problems of conflicts in the games of preschool children.

The results of the experimental development reveal the age-old dynamics of the main types of conflicts in the process of playing activity among preschool children.

The following methods were victorious: theoretical analysis of literary sources from the problem, rozmov, caution, pedagogical experiment.


1.1 Zagalna characteristic understand "conflict"

It is good to see that the development of any kind of suspіlstva, be it social coherence or a group, to instill a well-founded individual is a collapsible process, which is far from always growing smoothly, but often leads to blame and vice versa.

Social conflicts are objectively inevitable in any social structure, stinks of stink necessary mental at the suspіlny rozvitkovі.

Under the conflict, the most important way of resolving significant contradictions is understood, which is blamed on the process of mutual modality, which is used in opposition to the subject of the conflict and sound accompanied by negative emotions. As a subject of conflict, they still experience their negative emotions (for example, in the process of discussion, martial arts), they, on the other hand, experience negative emotions, but they don’t show them, they don’t oppose one another, so.

Protidium of the subject of the conflict can be developed in three areas: splurge, behavior, activity.

Signs of conflict є:

the obviousness of the situation, which is accepted by the participants as a conflict,

inconsistency of the object to the conflict, tobto. the object of the conflict can be subdivisions between the participants in the conflict interaction;

the duty of the participants to continue the conflict in mutual cooperation in order to achieve their goals, but not to get out of the situation.

The conflict is not standing before the appointment of a gallery (problem) of the rubbish, tobto. subject of conflict.

The subject of the conflict is an objectively obvious problem, which is the reason for the dispute between the parties (the problem of power, perseverance, intelligence of spivrobitnikiv).

The subjects of the conflict are the participants in the conflict, the opponents, whose interests collided without a middle ground.

The object of the conflict is those who claim the skin of the conflicting parties, who call out their protides, specific material (resource), social (power) and spiritual (idea, principle) value.

Conflicts occur in the vastness, in the hour that part of the subjects is low. They see time (trivality of the conflict in the hour), open spaces (definite territory, at the borders of which there is a conflict) and subjects (number of main participants) of the border.

In connection with this, that conflicts may have a highly manipulative nature of guilt, their number and diversity is great. The classification of conflicts is carried out at the level of low factors: by the way of their resolution (violent, non-violent), by the sphere of manifestation (political, social, economic, organizational); straightening of the inflow (vertical, horizontal), degree of difference (advance, attachment); number of participants (internal specialties, international specialties, intergroups); the presence of the object of the conflict (objective, non-objective), disrupted needs (interests, glances).

Importantly he subdivided conflicts into internal (internal specialties) and outward (international and international groups).

Designated conflicts vary: positive and negative functions. Positive functions characterize what this conflict can be like for your participants. The negative functions of the conflict are signified by the contributions (emotional, material, temporal and others) of resources for the fate of the conflict and the success of the legacy.

The conflict, respecting N.V. Grishina, goes through the following stages of development:

viniknennya ob'ektivnoy conflict situation (or pre-conflict situation);

notification of the situation as a conflict;

conflict interaction (otherwise a good conflict);

vision of the conflict

The pre-conflict situation, according to G.I. Less than those protirichcha, yak osvіdomlyuyuyutsya potential subjects of the conflict as nezumіsnі, lead to aggravated social tension.

Social tension is the psychological state of people and on the cob of conflict is of a latent (attacking) character.

In real life, the causes of social stress can be superimposed one on one, or they can be subdued one on one.

The problem of revealing the causes of the vindication of conflicts borrows the key space from the search for ways in their advance that constructive solution. Without knowledge of the disruptive forces, the development of conflicts is important to fix them with an effective regulating influx. On the basis of more than description models, the conflict is slightly more difficult to intervene in yoga natural development. So, if we don’t know too much, what happens under the hour of the conflict, and we can ask for food, why they develop themselves this way, and not otherwise.

At the basis of the conflict, according to E.M.Babosov, lie subjective-objective protirichcha. Super strengths can make a trivial period and not outgrow a conflict. Therefore, at the heart of the conflict lie tі pіrіchchya, the cause of є nezumіsnі interesi, consumption and value. Such antagonism is transformed into a struggle between the sides, a real antagonism. Conflict interrelation is blamed only once, as in the very depths of social life there are objective reconsiderations and blame for the conflict situation.

Conflicts on the back of the head are due to the disruption of the balance of interests of two and more parties.

The blame for this development of conflicts is determined by a number of factors and causes:


organizational and managerial,



The first two groups of factors are objective in nature, the third and fourth are subjective.

The understanding of the objective-subjective nature of the causes of conflicts can be revealed even more closely by ways to prevent inter-special conflicts, to develop optimal strategies for people's behavior in typical conflicts.

Before the ob'ektivnyh causes of conflicts, it is important to consider those conditions of social interaction between people, as they brought to the conclusion of their interests, thoughts, and attitudes. Objective causes lead to the creation of a pre-conflict situation - an objective component of a pre-conflict situation.

The subjective causes of the conflicts of a good cause are due to these individual psychological features of the opponents, which lead to the fact that they choose the conflict itself, and not be any other way of solving the objective wipe. The person does not compromise on the solution of the problem, does not compromise, does not uniqe the conflict, does not try to discuss and jointly with the opponent mutually oppose the superbness, which is vinicla, but choose the strategy of opposition. Practically, whether there is a pre-conflict situation, it is possible to choose a conflict chi of one of the non-conflict methods. The reasons why such people choose conflict, in the words above, have a subjective character as the main rank.

Otzhe, the conflict - tse vіdkrite protiborstvo, zіtknennya two or more subjects and participants in social interactions, the reasons for which are irresponsible consumption, interests and values. The conflict has a single structure: subject, object, subject, participants, conflict subdivision, conflict situation.

Mіzh children of preschool age can be known to cover a wide range of mutually. The practice of spiritual work at the kindergarten shows that the children of the kindergarten group are always developing successfully. Let's take a look at the report about the conflicts between the children of the preschool age.

1.2 Look at the conflicts between children of preschool age that are blamed on the process of gaming activity

Children come to the children's garden with unequal emotional luminosities, unequal homages and at one time from different vminnyami and opportunities. At the result of the skin in its own way, it supports the victors of the cultivator, that one-liner, that creates a setting for itself.

In her lineage, she needs to know the difference between the children themselves, the middle is seen as a difference for children, and in other situations - very unfavorable. Disadvantaged children in the preschool group may appear ambiguously: they are not communicable or they are aggressive and comradely behavior. And yet, regardless of the specifics of a child who is unfortunate, it is even a more serious phenomenon, behind him, as a rule, there is a deep conflict between singletons and one-year-olds, after all, some kind of child is left on its own among children.

Mіzhosobistіsnі vіdnosinі (vzaєmini) - tse rіznomanіtna i shchodo stіyka system vyborchih, osvіdomlenih that emotsiyno experiences zv'yazkіv mіzh members kontaktnoї grupi.

A look at the phenomenon of children's babies, and the nature of such conflicts, allows us to move on to a description of that analysis. Mіzhosobystіsnі stosunki doshkіlnіt dzhe folded, superchlivі, neіdko importantly _interpretuyuyutsya.

Cultivation with children is a necessary mental development of the psychological development of a child. The need for communication soon becomes the main social need. Collaboration with one-year-olds plays in the life of a preschooler. Vono є umovoy shaping suspіlnyh yakosnosti sobistostі іdіnі, show thа thе development оf thе soil оf collective vаєmovіdnоsіnі іdіѕ іn a group іn kindergarten.

Ninі theoretically and praktitsі preschool pedagogy dedaly more important hopes to take a child's collective activity for an hour. Spіlna diyalnіst podnuє dіyalnіє dіya dіya svіlnoi metoy, zavdannya, joys, pokrosty, worries about the bedroom on the right. At the new May, I gave rise to obov'yazkiv, the comfort of the day. Taking the fate of the spіlnіy fiyalnostі, the child vchitsya podupatisya bazhannyam odnoletkіv аbo konuvat їх at their rightness, report zusil to reach the scorched result.

The health of children to sleepy activities depends on the context of the interplay of children in the sleepy (or social) population. When you reach partners for a half hour, types of social interactions with children (exchange of toys, physical contact, conversation, etc.), you can see different types of social reactions.

The city is accepted as a special cultural enlightenment, created by the success of the hour of the yogo historical development. One hundred years of the preschool age is seen as a conductive activity, which signifies the mental development of a child. The Greeks blame the main new creations of the century. The specificity of a child's gris lies in the fact that it can replace the character by growing to adulthood and serve as a guardian, which realizes the child's desire to take the fate of a "grown-up" life. І.V.Mavrіna podkreslyuє, scho for the development of the game activity of the child needs contacts with older and іnshimi children, in the process of yak won nabuvaє ways and novice sleeping gri. In games with one-year-olds, children learn to cooperatively, creatively and quite manage their own behavior, so, with their own dignity, the necessary mental activity.

I’ll look at D.B. Elkonin, a socialist for zmіst, for her nature, for her adventures, that. blame the minds of the life of a child on a suspension.

Of particular importance for the development of a child, for the adoption of elementary moral norms by him, are the stones to grow, the stones themselves are formed here and actually appear to be acquired norms and rules of conduct, as a form of smart splkuvatisya in a team of one-liners.

The plot-role game is played by him, who is playing in the singing mental space. The room quickly transforms into a liquor, or a store, or a main highway. And the children, who play, take on the roles (doctor, salesman, water). In the plot, as a rule, a small number of participants, oskilki, whether the role of the transfer partner: the doctor and the ailments, the seller and the buyer are too thin.

L.I. Bozhovich designates that the main line of the development of the child is the step-by-step development of a specific situation, the transition from situational to out-of-situation. Such a transition is not easy for a child, and it is necessary for a grown-up to report singing zusil in order for the child to be able to overcome the pressure of the accepted situation. And the axis at grі such a transition is easy and natural.

Forming extra-situational splintering, we are ready to fully play children's activities. And, organizing a plot-role play (proponuyuchi new plots to children, roles, showing how to play), we will develop their development. And yet, if you want children to love games at once, do not let them go peacefully. Even more often they blame conflicts, images, weldings.

The conflict situation overgrows in conflicts only for spіlnih іgrovyh dіyah dіyakh іt odnolitkіv. The situation is similar in vipadkas, if it is super-sharpness: between unilateral and objective abilities of children in grі (the rest appear lower than they could) or between the needs of children and uniliters (you need to know beyond the borders of gri). In both views, there is a lack of formation of the playing activity of preschool children, which helps to develop the conflict. The reasons may be the lack of initiative of the child in the established contacts with peers, in the presence of intermittent emotional aspirations, if, for example, the power to command the child on his back, to deprive the child of the group with a comrade and join the group of a less accommodating, ale; Vіdsutnіst navychok splkuvannya. In the wake of such interrelations, two kinds of contradictions can be blamed: the inconvenience between the help of one-year-olds and the objectivity of the children in the children, and the inadequacy of the motives of the children and the one-year-olds.

In this rank, according to Royak A.A., Repina T.A., following two types of conflicts in preschool children, they see difficulties in intercourse with one-year-olds: conflict in operations and conflict in motives.

It is also necessary to clearly understand the understanding of the internal conflict, because in literature, the understanding of internal and external conflicts is not clearly separated.

Significantly obvious conflicts among preschool children are generated by contradictions, which are blamed on the organization of joint activities of their processes. Outrageous conflicts blame the sphere business vidnosin children, prote її interi, ring out, do not go out and choke on the deepest layers of interspecific waters. Therefore, the stench of the temporal, situational nature and sound is allowed by the children themselves, the path of independent establishment of the norm of justice. Outstanding conflicts of origin, shards of stench represent a child’s declaration about vitality, creativity, an important, problematic situation and act as a regulator of fair, full-fledged children. Modeling similar conflict situations in the pedagogical process can be seen as one of the effective benefits moral upheaval.

Internal psychological conflict blames preschoolers for the minds of їhnої provіdnoї igrovoїї dіyalnostі and zdebіlshkogo prihovіnі vіd storezhennya.

On vіdmіnu od zovnіshnogo vіn viklikaєtsya protirіchchyami, pov'yazanimi not of organіzatsіynoyu Chastain dіyalnostі and of samoyu dіyalnіstyu, of її sformovanіstyu in ditini, protirіchchyami mіzh vimogami odnolіtkіv that ob'єktivnimi mozhlivostyami ditini in grі chi protirіchchyami have motives gris ditini that odnolіtkіv. It is so rude that the impromptu reach of the children of self-sufficiently matured. In times of conflict, the inner emotional comfort of a child is infringed, and it is more positively emotional than self-feeling, unable to satisfy its basic needs, it is like a good thing, and it is special in a way that is guilty of psychological isolation from one-liners. The function of internal conflicts is daily negative;

1.3 Reasons for causing conflicts and ways to inject children one by one for an hour of a game conflict

Ya.L.Kolominsky and B.P.Zhiznevsky indicate the importance of raising children's conflicts. The stench is seen not just as a negative phenomenon in a child's life, but as a special, significant situation of intercourse, which gives the mental development in general that special formation. Be loud, what a grown-up person needs to know possible reasons viniknennya child conflicts, to predict the behavior of children in the future until the age and specifically teach children the most optimal ways of coping with them.

With the revealed causes of the conflicts blamed on Ya.L. Here lie a number of organizational heads of activity, as if from the choice of those wild parties, assigned to the warehouse of її participants, rozpodіl roles of those others. They let the stench go, that conflicts between children are blamed for the very hour of the end of similar communicative and organizational tasks.

At the link with the cim, it was seen that these are the main reasons for the vindication of conflicts:

ruynuvannya gri;

choose the choice of the hot ones with those gris;

where to store the participants;

because of the roles;

through toys;

shodo plot gri;

with the drive of the correctness of the game.

In addition, speaking about the change in the age of causes of conflicts between children of the preschool age, D.B. Elkonin made a thought about those that in young children conflicts are most often blamed through toys, in children of the middle preschool age - through roles. and in the senior vіtsі - through the rules of gr.

Tsіkavі is also reported by Ya.L. When examining the peculiarities of children's behavior in the course of the conflict, they analyzed over 3000 acts of behavior in apparently different forms of speech.

When it was seen the following ways to inject children into other participants in the game conflict:

“Inferred injections” - in a child, one pours into a supernik through other people. Here it was brought a scarga for a one-year-old violator, crying, crying out of a method to turn the respect of the grown-up, and to instill in the help of other children, as if they get into a conflict to confirm their domogan.

“Psychological diya” - these are ways to spit on the supernik, as if they are addressed without middle ground to you, and then crying, crying, dumbfounding with your feet, grimacing skinny, if the child does not explain his thoughts, but to rob the supernik is a psychological squeeze.

“Verbal spitting” - at the same time spitting є vzhe mova, but also the main rank of raznі vkazіvki supernik, who is guilty of work and chio is guilty of work. Tse vyslovlyuvannya type "Vidday", "Go", a kind of marking of the master's diy - "I will be a doctor", vіdmova vikonuvaty I will need a partner diy, as well as food, which means specific vіdpovіdі, for example, "Where did you get the car?". In times of one-year-olds, it is also possible to visconate the same way, but not subjectively, but movingly.

“Threat those sanctions” - here such a phrase was used, in which children are ahead of the superniks about the possible negative consequences of theirs, for example, “And I will rozpovim”; threaten to ruin the gri - “I won’t greet you”; threaten the opening of the vіdnosin at the whole - “I’m no longer friends with you”, as well as different wiguks and words that move with a threatening intonation: “Well!”, “Oh, so!”, “Perspective?” etc.

"Argumenty" - sudnesenі vyslovlyuvannya, for the help of such children try to explain, to back up their pretensions, or to show the wrongfulness of the pretensions of superniks. Tse vyslovlyuvannya on kshtalt “I am the first”, “Tse is mine”, declare your bajannya - “I want to”, appeal to your position at the grі - “I am a reader and I know how you need to read”, rhetorical nutrition like “Navischo you all rozlamav ?”, “Why are you coming here?”, in some of them, a negative assessment of their partner is clearly visible, as well as direct assessments of their own diy and diy superniks (“You can’t fight”, “I know better, how you need to likuvat”) and different imaginative prizviska, dredges, etc. Up to tsієї zhupi vіdnesenno th vіpadka, if children try to appeal to the singing rules, - for example, "You need to dility", "The seller can be vіchlivim" too. .

In children of one to three years of age, the main "argument" in super girls with one-year-olds is the sustenance of quiet and other benefits of physical injection. Vіtsі 3-4 Rockіv Vіdbuvyuyu singer Fracture і on Poss Miscea to view the displays of the "verbal fittle", and in the deposit on all the B_SHERS Vicaristannya Obґrutwan Visno DIY for the additional rіznunniki Odnolіtkіv, the self-taiso .

Zagalom next mark especially important of the middle preschool age as the first turning point in the development of sleepy gris in children. Here, the overriding of the methods of “verbal injection” on superniks in the situation of the conflict is more important than it is under pressure. In other words, the conflict is like a confrontation from the physical strength in a singing rank, evolution and the Daedals are more transformed into a verbal superechka, tobto. sing the “cultivation” of the behavior of children in the process of realizing their bazhan. At the same time, the substitution of the physical ones with a word, then the verbal ways are able to become more comfortable and stay at the sight of different people, estimating, that, with one’s own chergoy, vydkrivaє ways until the discussion of other nutrition and the significance of the mutually acceptable choice.

Also, as a result of a theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem of conflicts between children of the preschool age in the game activity, we come to such developments:

Under the conflict, the most important way of resolving significant contradictions is understood, which is blamed on the process of mutual modality, which is used in opposition to the subject of the conflict and sound accompanied by negative emotions. The conflict has a single structure: subject, object, subject, participants, conflict subdivision, conflict situation.

Among the reasons for blaming conflicts between preschool children in children are as follows: ruining the game, when choosing the main game by those people, according to the warehouse of the participants in the game, through roles, through games, to drive the plot of the game, to drive the correctness of the game.

The conflict situation overgrows in conflicts only for spіlnih іgrovyh dіyah dіyakh іt odnolitkіv. The situation is similar in vipadkas, if it is super-sharpness: between unilateral and objective abilities of children in grі (the rest appear lower than they could) or between the needs of children and uniliters (you need to know beyond the borders of gri). The unfortunate relationship between children and one-year-olds, and the deepest conflict from it is generated by the insufficient formation of the conductive activity of the child. They see the lack of formation of surgeries and conspiracy in її motives as the main cause of internal conflicts in preschoolers. Depending on the causes of differentiation, there are two types of such conflicts: a conflict with the lack of formation of the operational side of the game activity and a conflict with a confounded motivational basis for activity.

Having learned more about the development of types of conflict in preschoolers, having delved deeper into the essence of this, one can judge that the methods can be more effective and more effective in diagnosing this phenomenon and like playing methods can be the most effective and pedagogical methods.


2.1 Vychennya viniknennya konflіktіnі і sposobі їіh vіrіshennya іn the young group

Our study was carried out at kindergarten No. ____, ____________. 43 preschool children took part in the experiment (15 children young group, 14 - middle and 14 children of the senior group) and 3 tutors of the child nursery.

Meta research: to identify the causes of conflicts in children of preschool age and to develop the age-old dynamics of changing causes.

Follow-up task:

Choose methods for identifying the main causes of blame and ways to resolve conflicts between children.

To conduct an experimental investigation on the basis of the results of the experiment, to find out about the nature of the change in the causes of the blame and the ways to resolve conflicts between children in the gaming activity.

Follow-up methods: watchfulness, rozmov.

Caution is one of the most important methods for collecting information from the follow-up process in the field of education. Psychological-pedagogical caution is felt by the helpless manifestations of the manifestations with help of organs, they are sensitively indirectly adopted through the descriptions of others, without the middle guarded by people.

In today's minds, the main object of pedagogical education is the activity of a child. Important objects of guardianship are the subjects of speech that lie with children (handmaids, zoshiti, vorebi). The most important thing to watch out for is also children on a specific situation: at the lesson, at the gr, at the hour of the call, on the excursion.

Science watchfulness is based on the factual fixation of facts: it is carried out for a special plan of watchdog; a skin fact is fixed behind a well-thought-out system; in order to escape sub'ektivism fixation, everyone is afraid of the facts, and not only those who avoid a conclusive hypothesis, otherwise the doslidnik can start pardoning the “batkivsky setting to the hypothesis”; the fact that it is necessary to fix it once again, if you are careful, it does not last long, so as not to forget the details.

Science caution is considered in the light of the splendid manifestations of phenomena according to such parameters: purposefulness, systematicity, carried out at the borders of the scientific theory, to be analytical and complex in nature, all the facts are fixed.

When choosing the method of caution, it is recommended to follow the existing rules. It is necessary to seek the attached position of the poster, do not squeeze your presence, do not spit on the teachings with your authority, a picture of the process was created below. At the moment of caution, the facts may be registered with maximum accuracy. Explanation of that interpretation, all vysnovki can be worked out by the year.

The technique for recording the results of caution can be protocol, schodennikov, matrix and victoria technical aids(cinema, video, photo, phono, etc.).

From the method of revealing the main causes of the conflicts, and the methods of their resolution between the children, we guarded the behavior of the children at the time of the holidays, most importantly the plot-role-playing ones, as well as the crumbling, budding, flat ones, etc. for an hour of quiet igor, yakі children organized independently for an hour of rebuking at the kindergarten. The choice of conflicts in itself is the reason for the children, which is the most significant type of activity for children, and here the conflicts between them are most often blamed.

The causes of the blamed conflicts were grouped up to classification, proponated by Ya.L. Kolominsky and B.P. Zhiznevsky. They saw the following main causes of conflicts:

"Ruinuvannya gri" - these included such children, who interrupted or complicated the process of gri, - for example, ruining the game disputes, the game environment, as well as the obvious game situation.

“Because of the drive to choose the wild ones with those gris” - in these vipads, the super girl blamed through those, in the same sleepy group, the children were taken.

“From the drive to the warehouse of the participants in the gri” - here the food was violating, who is the most gratime at the chiu gri, tobto. who to turn on at the game, and who to turn off.

“Through the roles” - these conflicts are blamed as the main rank through the differences between children about those who win the most privablivu or, navpak, the least privablivu role.

"Through toys" - here are super girls through the volodinnya with toys, game items and attributes.

"Because I bring the story of the gri" - in these situations, children are intertwined through those who are guilty of going through the gra, as in it there will be game situations, the characters will be like other characters.

“To the drive of the correctness of the game” - these are super things about those who are right or wrong and that chi is another child in gr.

Ways to resolve conflicts between children were classified as follows:

“Physical day” - this includes such children, if children, especially young ones, shtovhayut one to one, fight, and also take away toys, throw them away, borrow someone else’s place from grit too thin.

“Inferred injections” - in a child, one pours into a supernik through other people.

“Psychological diya” - these are ways to spit on a supernik, as if they are addressed without middle ground to you, but instead of crying, screaming, dumb feet, grimacing skinny.

“Verbal spitting” - at the same time spitting є vzhe mova, but also the main rank of raznі vkazіvki supernik, who is guilty of work and chio is guilty of work.

“Threat those sanctions” - such words are said here, in some children they are ahead of superniks about the possible negative consequences of their children.

"Argumenty" - sudnesenі vyslovlyuvannya, for the help of such children try to explain, to back up their pretensions, or to show the wrongfulness of the pretensions of superniks.

In addition, with the caregivers of the young, middle and older groups of the child nursery, we also conducted a survey to identify the causes of conflicts and ways of solving them. We propagated to the applicants the inquiries on the application form submitted to the addendum 1.

Optimum methods, until which the conversation, interviews and questionnaires, as a tool for sociological studies, stinks of the stink, were held back by teachers and psychologists.

Questionnaire - a method for collecting primary material from a large number of respondents with a method of collecting information for a supplementary questionnaire about the quiet and other sides of the whih process, setting up to the quiet and other manifestations.

Questionnaire is a methodical sample for collecting primary sociological and social-pedagogical information on the basis of verbal communication. Questionnaire є nabіr food, skin іz аlіh logically pov'yazanі z central zavdannya doslіdzhennya. Questioner - a person who conducts a selection of material for questionnaires.

Also, according to the results of the survey of the youthful group, the conflicts between the children of this century are blamed mostly through toys.

As a result, watchfulness for the playing activity of the children of the young group was announced:

in total for an hour of warning, we registered 22 conflicts between children;

largest number conflicts caused by playing games - 16 conflicts out of 22 registrations, which is 72.6%;

through the collapse of gri - 5 conflicts out of 22 (22.8%);

1 (4.6%) conflict between children "through the division of roles".

The best way to resolve conflicts between children, the educator of the young group considered "physical injection" as the widest way to resolve conflicts between children in 2-3 years.

Through the war of caution of children in the plan of ways to resolve conflicts, we have recorded the following results:

the largest expansion of the way to resolve conflicts between children - physical education - 8, which is 36.4%;

5 (22.5%) and 4 (18.2%) times children used verbal and psychological action as a way of resolving conflicts;

3 times (13.7%) such a method was recorded as “arguments”;

1 each (4.6%) - threats and sanctions and intermediation of injections.

In this way, according to the results of the questioning of the facilitator, that watchfulness for the children of the young group is robbed of the onset of braces: in most cases, conflicts among others are blamed on toys, and in the widest way, conflicts between children are blamed on physical diya.

2.2 The elimination of conflicts and ways of their resolution in the middle group

As a result of the survey of the breeder middle group We told the child nursery that most of the conflicts between children are blamed through roles in games and driven by toys.

Watching out for the game activities of the children of this group confirmed the firmness of the facilitator. When registering for an hour of warning 20 conflicts:

the most conflicts registered, like before, through games - 7 conflicts out of 20 registrations (35%);

approximately the same time, a number of conflicts through the collapse of the conflict are eliminated - 4 (20%);

a sharp increase in the number of conflicts due to roles - up to 5 (25%);

new types of conflicts: in the case of choosing a hot topic – 1 (5%);

about the game plot - 1 (5%);

the degree of correctness of the game - 2 (10%).

During the course of the questioning, the middle group leader pointed out that the way to resolve conflicts in children is most often to use “verbal infusion”, “arguments” and “physical influx”.

The results of guarding ways to resolve conflicts between children:

most often, children sing in such a way of resolving conflicts, like “verbal infusion” - 6 times (30%);

the same number of times - 5 (25%) each - recorded "physical action" and "arguments";

2 times (10%) the victorious psychological injection;

1 time each (5%) - intermediary injections and threats and sanctions.

Such a rank, for the results of the questionnaires of the fighter, the Society for D_timnoy Grup Mie Retaimo's Ansunity of Visnokov: Nicestysche Conflineki in the center of Vitzі viciously through the role in Іgrah і З Сватов Володиння ірешки, and the nipshiren means of the Vishennia conflaktіv mіzh dіtmi є verbel.

2.3 Vyvchennya viniknennya konflіktіv i vyvchennya vіknennia їkh vіshіshennia іn the senior group

The leader of the older group, depending on the nutrition of the questionnaire with the cause of the blame for the conflicts, indicating that in this group the conflicts are most often blamed through the role and the drive of the correctness of the game.

Based on the results of the caution for the playing activity of the children of the older group, we have made the following banners:

in total, 22 conflicts were registered during the hour of caution;

most conflicts to create conflicts through roles - 7 (31.8%);

how correct the game is - 6 (27.2%);

number of conflicts through toys - 4 (18.2%);

from the warehouse of participants in the gri - 2 (9.1%);

with a storyline - 2 (9.1%);

the number of conflicts through the collapse of gri - 1 (4.6%).

Analysis of the results of the survey of the senior group's facilitator, showing that in the widest way the conflicts between the children of the victorious arguments are resolved, tobto. vyslovluvan, with the help of such children, they try to explain, argue their claims and show the unlawfulness of the claims of superniks.

Taking care of the children of the older group gave the following results:

most often, as a way of resolving conflicts, children scored arguments - 8 (36.4%) times;

verbal diary was sung by children 6 times (27.3%);

physical exercise was 4 times (18.2%);

1 time (4.6%) recorded mediations and psychological injections.

In this way, following the results of the questioning of the facilitator, that guarding for the children of the older group is robbed of the onset of viciousness: most of the conflicts in this group are blamed through the role and drive of the correctness of the game, and in the widest way, the conflicts between the arguments of the victorious. tobto. vyslovluvan, with the help of such children, they try to explain, argue their claims and show the unlawfulness of the claims of superniks.

2.4 Interpretation of the negative results and pedagogical recommendations on how to resolve conflicts between preschool children in the game activity

Children of the youngest group have the largest number of conflicts caused by playing games - 16 conflicts out of 22 registered, which is 72.6%; as well as through the collapse of the crisis - 5 conflicts out of 22 (22.8%). In addition, 1 (4.6%) conflict between children was registered “through different roles”;

in children of the middle group, the causes of conflicts are already different: the most conflicts, like before, through games - 7 conflicts out of 20 registrations (35%); approximately the same time, a number of conflicts through the collapse of the conflict are eliminated - 4 (20%); at that very hour, the number of conflicts through roles increases sharply - up to 5 (25%), which induces the process of becoming a plot-role-playing gritty; new types of conflicts are immediately indicated: conflicts for the hour of choosing the main theme - 1 (5%), according to the game plot - 1 (5%), and to bring conflicts to the correctness of the game - 2 (10%);

the older group had the most conflicts to create conflicts through roles - 7 out of 22 registrations (31.8%); then there will be conflicts about the correctness of the game - 6 (27.2%), the number of such adults is more and less than twice the number of the front; the number of conflicts through toys changes overnight - up to 4 (18.2%). There are also conflicts according to the warehouse of the participants - 2 (9.1%) and the number of conflicts according to the plot is increasing - 2 (9.1%). Nareshti, more sharply, more nizh chotiri razi, soon the number of conflicts through the collapse of the gri - up to 1 (4.6%).

In the last century, the number of conflicts through games has changed dramatically. Thus, the number of conflicts is reduced through the collapse of the conflict. Let's break here є вік 4-5 rokіv. At the same time, this century is peaking for conflicts, a number of roles, a number of which here reach their maximum. Conflicts driven by the correctness of the game, appearing later for the others, steadily grow in the large number of conflicts.

Children of two or three fates are the main "argument" in super-trains with one-year-olds - the need for quiet and other benefits of physical injection. Vіtsі 3-4 Rockіv Vіdbuvyuyu singer Fracture і on Poss Miscea to view the displays of the "verbal fittle", and in the deposit on all the B_SHERS Vicaristannya Obґrutwan Visno DIY for the additional rіznunniki Odnolіtkіv, the self-taiso .

Such forms of children's behavior in the situation of a game conflict, like "physical influx" and "arguments", can bring out the pronounced tendencies, apparently, to a decrease in that zbіlshennya. At their own pace, accept the "verbal infusion" reach their culminating point at the 3-4th rock, and then step by step go into decline.

In such a rank, in a zahal, two special centuries can be distinguished:

firstly, tse vіk 3-4 roіv, if the children start actively discussing such nutrition, like rozpodіl roles, the correctness of the game, choose the most important ones, which, in our opinion, about the intensive development of the grit as a sleepy activity;

in a different way, ce vіk 4-5 rokіv, de, for an addendum to the previous ones, start special discussions and food, who is gratime, tobto. the warehouse of participants is indicated. Tse, with his blackness, sing the development of a sleepy gri at the direct molding of the songs, to achieve stable mutual relations between the children in the middle of the preschool group.

The nature of the taken data is shown by those that conflicts with the drive of toys and roles do not occur in older preschool children. The stink spіvіsnuyut at once from new types of conflicts: to choose the wild ones by those grey, according to the warehouse of the participants, clarification of the game plot.

On the other hand, how to resolve conflicts between children over a long period of time was especially significant in the middle preschool age as a major turning point in the development of sleep gris in children at age. Here, the overriding of the methods of “verbal injection” on superniks in the situation of the conflict is more important than it is under pressure. Otherwise, it seems that the conflict, as a result of the confrontation due to the stagnation of physical strength, by the singing rank of evolution and Daedal, is more transformed into a verbal superechka, tobto. sing the “cultivation” of the behavior of children in the process of realizing their bazhan. At the same time, the substitution of the physical ones with a word, then the verbal ways can become more comfortable and stay at the sight of different grounds, assessments, that, with one’s own line, open the way until the discussion of other nutrition and the significance of the mutually acceptable option.

The study of the dynamics of the psychological conflict showed that regardless of the peculiarities of such a conflict of a child, it is not possible to develop independently, it is not possible to fully develop as a subject of activity, nor as specialness. Such children require a special, individual approach, require the help of a grown-up (psychologist or teacher) for the remuneration of full-fledged allowances from one-year-olds.

In connection with this, we have come up with pedagogical recommendations on how to resolve conflicts between children of the preschool age.

In a first step, when investigating the adoption of corrections, it is necessary:

consider the social situation of the development of the child: specific references to the same-year-old groups, satisfaction with them, stosunki with the fathers and fathers;

to give pedagogical assistance to children in the improvement of the ovnishny (business) plan of yoga with other children, and in the regulation of the internal (international relations). We are Vosіlenі's confline in the Operations of the IT Confline at the motifs, Vіdpovyu to whom in Experimalnіyi section, two TIPI of psychological and pedagogychny arrived, hiding on Vishennia Two-bodies Squestyan: Divanny Some Some confline in Operations Virіshuvalos Answer Highlife Opechain in case of conflicts in motives - for additional help on the motivational bill.

In a different way, it is necessary to win the play therapy in the form of therapy for children, de gra acts as its own sphere, in which it is necessary to enrich children with the necessary light and people.

Thirdly, in the order of special games, the correction can be of a non-gaming type, it also helps to improve conflict-free communication between children.

"Ritual dії" (rituals of the wedding and farewell; group spiv; exchange of hostility after the gri);

Praise for group decisions. A rich decision for the busy hour is taken by the whole group; the children themselves swear, if you need to finish the game, go to the next one, play the roles themselves.

Stronger rozuminnya, svіchtya - take one to listen to one, explain your feelings.

Formation of independence of the group. Acceptance of foundations at the exit of the leading psychologist from the group, if the children are expected to have full freedom of action, moreover, they can’t turn up to a grown-up for help and all decisions must be taken independently.


A person cannot live, work, satisfy his material and spiritual needs, without intercourse with other people. From the people of the wines, they enter into the lives of different people with otochyuchimi. The development of the necessary mental background of a person is one of the main factors and the most important factor of mental development in ontogeny.

However, the development of whether a society, whether it be social coherence or a group, to create a well-kept individual is a collapsible process, which does not always grow smoothly, but often leads to blame and vice versa. Conflicts play the most important role of the life of an okremo people, the development of family, the life of the school, be it an organization, the power of the people.

The preschool period of childhood is sensitive for the formation of the foundations of collective qualities in children, as well as the humane attitude to other people. If the foundations of these traits are not formed in the preschool age, then the whole specialty of the child may become imperfect, and it will be extremely important to fill in the clearing in the future.

Shards are the main type of independent activity of preschoolers - gra, won and become the main self-organization of any child group. For some reason, there will be real mutual children in it.

Chi vmіє grati tsіkavo, chi is rightly to be found in the sleeping grі - tse criteria, yakі richly in what the setting of one-liners to the child, their sympathy. And it is necessary for the emotional well-being of a child to join the suspіlstvo of the same type (as well as for an adult - it is important to feel like an adult member of the group). Nevminnya grati can viklikaty zaperechennya child suspіlstvo odnoletkіv, turn into irreparable legacy, deep special injuries for the preschooler. The primary conflict (not accepted by the child) goes over to internal specialties - the self-esteem of the child decreases, in the case of the new one, there is a little bit of low value, but, on the contrary, negativism, which is also important for psychological and pedagogical correction.

Changes in the behavior of the child - the second new creation, far from the legacy of the causes of the conflict. On the right, in the fact that the conflict itself and negative figures, which are blamed on the new, trivial hour, are attached to the watch. The very same conflict, its cause, as a rule, is missed by the promoter, and pedagogical correction appears to be ineffective.

Why early diagnosis and correction of symptoms of conflicts, unfavorable, emotional discomfort among children of the same age are of such great significance. It is not known to work with ineffective all tests of the formation and encouragement of the full-fledged children's breaths, as well as the transition from the individual approach to the formation of the child.

Friend of the coursework, the friend of the courses were carried out Experimental Delivery of the main reasons for Vikninnya, the method of Virizhennya Conflіtіv Mіzh D_timi in Ігровій діяльності товина вікова вікоміки перишнина колинікина товина Товіванный Вихованный товитвів (RECEIVE OF ANNOUNCEMANY WORKERIVA TU Protested Society for D_timi presented at Dattop 2).

As shown by the data taken away by us, up to 75% of conflicts in young children are caused through toys, in the middle preschool child the greatest conflicts are to form conflicts according to the division of roles, and conflicts, if the playing processes are correct, grow to the end.


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Consultation: Conflicts of preschool children.

Children of conflicts, causes.

Preschool age - Particularly the period of vihovanni, because it is the age of the cob formation of an individual child. In tsehour in spіlkuvannі chіdіnі z odnoletkami vinikayut folded vzaєmovіdnosіnnosі, іkі іstоtno vplyvayut yоgo sobistnostі.Knowledge the peculiarities of the children among the children of the kindergarten and the quiet difficult ones, like the stench of their own blame, you can give a serious help to the grown-ups in the organization of the spiritual work with preschoolers.

In preschool children, as a rule, there are inconspicuous connections with other children. The older the child, the more important it is for her to make contacts with the same litters. It is obvious that the interplay of children with one-year-olds is a special sphere of yoga life, as it is obvious that intercourse with grown-ups is common. Children are less respectful and kind, stench is not necessary to help one another, understand that one-year-old. The stench can take away the toy, form, not brutally respect for tears. And all the same, splintering with other children to bring the preschooler no equal satisfaction, children even love to play at once, but don’t let the game pass peacefully. Often they blame conflicts, for example, welding.

Consider two types of conflicts among preschoolers:internal іoutrageous.

Zovnishni conflicts are blamed on the sphere of business relations of children, prote through itbetween , as a rule, do not go out and do not suffocate the deepest layers of water. Therefore, the stench of the temporal, situational nature and sound is allowed by the children themselves, the path of independent establishment of the norm of justice. Zovnіshnі conflicts korisnі, skіlki stink give children the right torange , on the creative side of an important, problematic situation, it acts as a regulator of fair, full-fledged benefits for children.

Internal conflict blaming the preschoolers for the minds of their experiential playfulness and good luck in the minds of caution. On the vіdmіnu vіd zvnіshny vіn vіn vyklіkaє protyrіchchami, pov'yazanimi not with the organizational part of the activity, but with the very diyalnіstyu in the child, protirіchchami mіzh vіmogami odnolitkіv ta ob'ktivnym posvodnosti іtіnі grіtіnі chi protirіchіchі So rude that the impromptu reach the children without the help of grown-ups

The reasons for causing conflicts can be:

- Lack of initiative of the child in established contacts with peers;

- Vіdsutnіst mіzh roaring emotional aspirations;

- Rіznі vminnya that mozhlivostі.

At the result of the skin in its own way, the help of the teacher is the same, and the setting is up to itself. I will especially play the role of the vindictive conflicts in the inter-society, in the very mind of the conflict.

D.B.Elkonin writes to those who often blame conflicts in preschoolers of the young age through toys, in preschoolers of the middle age - through roles, and more to the older age - through the rules of play.

Ya.L. Kolomensky and B.P. Zhiznevsky add the causes of conflicts in the population and see the coming:

- "ruinuvannya gri" - ruining the game life, the game environment, as well as the obvious game situation;

- “from the drive of the choice of the wild by those gris” - superechka through those, in the same way, the children were playing in the same way;

- “through roles” - rozbіzhnostі mіzh dіtmi about those hto vykonuvatime most privablivu, but navpaki, maloprivablivu role;

- “through toys” - super-cookies through volodinnya with toys, game items and attributes;

- “according to the plot of the gri” - rozbіzhnosti through those, in what order may be played, like they will have game situations, the characters will be like quiet chi other characters;

- “from the drive of the correctness of the game” - super-cats about those, right or wrong, and that chi is another child in gr.

Conflict - tse "situation rozryu" vіdnosin, to that vin to put children before the need to know the essence of these vіdnosin, also, before the choice of cats for their recognition.

May all children sometimes conflict with each other, but only with some they trap rarely, with others - often. Some children, ring out, react belligerently to the incomprehensibility that they have a joint activity with one-year-olds and themselves initiate a conflict; in the others on the right, it is less likely to reach a conflict at the supra-lingual outskirts; the third - to enter into a conflict, they are less likely to get to the new partner and are immediately forced to get out of the new one.

  1. Characteristics of conflict preschoolers.

The child collective often provokes conflict situations of important conflict children:

    Aggressiveness - catch others and fight on their own, as if they were not heard

    Skarzhniki - zavzhdit to skazhat

    Movchuni - calm and not rich, but it’s even more difficult to find out what stink you want

    Nadmirnі - z usima pogodzhuyutsya

    Know-it-alls - respect themselves with greater ones, wiser for others

    Nerishuch - they call from the decision to accept, to be afraid to have mercy

    Maximality - I want something right at once

    Prihovani - prikhovuyut image and nespodіvano nakidayutsya on the false

    Innocent lies - to introduce others into Oman with lies and deceit

This is the main characteristic of conflict preschool children:

    "I'm always right" for children

- Most often initsiayuut gostre zіtknennya;

- Never play alone, they need a partner;

- Vіdkryto and zhorstko dominate, vіdkidayuchi be-like propositions of another child;

- jealously chasing the successes of other children, swearing obligatory overturning them, becoming the subject of fierce respect.

    “I am the best for others” u children

- conflict often, loudly, actively and emotionally;

- demonstrate their superiority, zarozumіlіst by maturity up to one-year-old;

- Impose your will on your partner, react negatively to yoga opir

- try to turn respect to yourself, your knowledge, your activities.

    "I'm grown-up, - head" tsі children

- gangs, commanders, leaders;

- apply for the main roles in everything, but diplomatically;

- up to the same age to be placed more importantly critically, as if they themselves could go out;

- to know that, de and yak, it is necessary to work, that in mutual relations with peers they often go to the fence;

- accept propositions of the same name less than that, as if they stink badly.

    "I will stand up for myself" qі children

- sensitive to oneself one-liners, open to contacts;

- more protective, to be afraid of the repression of one's interests;

- to try to show one's ability, so that the same-year-olds would recognize their value;

— practice zealousness with peers and justice in mutual relations with them, value their respect and interest in yourself.

    "I am kind" o children

— the least conflict among the most conflict preschoolers;

- Noticeably centered on oneself, afraid of negative assessments;

- practice equal spivpratsi with one-liners;

- for any luck, they try to win back the respect of one-liners, so that you can help them to appreciate your luck.

For all conflicts, preschoolers are characterized by a high level of activity in pragmatic interactions with one-year-olds and at the same time, constant work without conflicts, and manifestly self-affirmation.

  1. Methods for resolving conflicts in children's relationships.

For a child in conflict situations, it’s impersonal, and for rich people, it’s important to get to know each other. All the children of welding sound vibrating by themselves, and that before them they are required to be put as before the natural phenomena of life. Small essences and welding can be recognized as the first life lessons of mutual interaction with people of the same stake (equal), with the necessary world, the stage of training by the method of trying and pardons, you cannot do without some kind of child.

We grow up without special needs, not to enter into the welding of children. It is necessary that the stench learn to independently get out of difficult situations and take on conflicts.
The leader of the grown-ups is in order to teach the children the current rules of life among other people, so that they can enter in the mind to speak their bazhannya, listen to the bazhannya of another, home. When this child is guilty of being an equal participant in this process, and not just blindly following the order of a mature or strong partner, knowing how to get out of the situation, options for solving the conflict.

Virishennya conflict - tse:

    minimization of problems, which the parties divide, which are negotiated through the search for a compromise, reaching out

    to explain more or less often the reasons that gave rise to the conflict

    changing the goals of the participants in the conflict

    reach out to please good food among the participants

At the end of childish conflicts, the healer ensures the knowledge of “sleep language”, as a result of the achievement of understanding.
Being an intermediary in the resolution of childish conflicts, the healer is guilty of protecting their characteristics:

    When the conflict situation is reversed, the healer bears professional responsibility for the correct resolution of the conflict situation.

    Grown up and children may have a different social status, which determines their different behavior in conflicts and in case of yoga

    The difference in the life and life of the dosvidi to raise the position of grown up and children, generating a different step in the capacity for pardons

    Rizne razuminnya podіy їх reasons by the participants

    The presence of other children in the event of a conflict transforms all of them into the participants, and the conflict creates a spiritual sensation

    The professional position of the promoter is to take the initiative to resolve the conflict and to put the interests of the special interests that are being formed in the first place.

    Children of conflicts are easier to overcome, less successful to overcome.

Type of behavior
authoritarian -they's vihovatel often determines the need for the development of emotional and volovic qualities in children: assertiveness, discipline, initiative, hearing, self-reliance, practicality. The most embarrassing in children is indiscipline, loudness, noisyness, incessant behavior at work, restlessness, attention-sustaining, non-hearing. Most of all, with this wheezer, you can say a little “Pinch!”, “Put!”, “Don’t run!”, “Don’t fight!”, “You need to work like that!”.

Democratic - Whose facilitator takes into account that it is important for children to wield moral qualities: strangeness, kindness, justice, honesty, empathy. They call out to them the soundness of friendliness and kindness to children of the same age, unrelenting friendship, friendly friendship, lack of respect, carelessness to come to the aid of a comrade, dishonesty and zhorstokіst. The facilitator achieves the position of equal partnership, ensures mutual trust and creates a good mind for discussing any problem

Anarchist-permissive - the same facilitator, which is no special education, chooses a profession for you to be vipadkovy.

In pedagogical practice, three main strategies can be seenconflicts .

    The strategy of ignoring. Without a doubt, what pre-school children will take away at any point in the social conflict, but it is unlikely that they will gain the mark of social reconciliation. If you don’t help the opposing sides to feel and understand one another, you yourself won’t hear the stench of it.Biyka - the point of conflict was baked to the limit, and the absolute majority of the killers themselves do not know why they are drawn to fight. Likewise, if children ignore beats, the stench will be renewed again and again. And the smut - the children of the soul of roses, feel a sense of mutual hatred.

    The strategy of strangulation is that punishment. The most simple and extended strategy: barking, roaming in kutah, approximately punishing, calling out fathers. Such a strategy is brought to such a point that the obvious conflicts fade away, and then the children of preschoolers roar from this vysnovka, so that they should sing a hundred for the help of curcules, it is necessary to sweat, in a calm place. The conflict, not ending with the group, will be continued by the cordon. І for some childrenbeater be a sign of dodatkovogo heroism: it’s not only a beat one with one, but a correspondence beat with grown-ups, that they are punished.

    Spivpratsi strategy . The best and most effective strategy lies in the fact that the grown-up helps children to grow up in their inner experiences, as they have led to a conflict, and at the same time they try to blame and try different ways of reconciliation. It is possible, obviously, situationally, to reconcile the children, like to cook, as if by a universal pedagogical move - for example, to cry for a thunder, or as I am in a right-handed manner with a right-handed sleep. Ale only once, if the conflictnot s too deep. Truth be told, have you ever seen such a reconciliationsuperficial and help only situationally. Age conflict is no more a marker of any internal tensions that preschool children experience. Especially, as conflicts are born again and again, as if a child is born of conflict.

The teacher needs an hour to resolve the conflict:

- first, to recognize the presence of the protilean goals in the participants in the conflict, to recognize these participants themselves. In fact, it’s easy to say goodbye simply to virishity behind the splendid manifestations, the shards in the conflict of preschoolers react emotionally to those who are concerned, and they themselves tell about the conflict.

- in a different way, reveal the number of food that will become the subject of the conflict. The main problem lies in the factterms , what is the subject of the conflict, what - no. At this stage, the conflict approaches, the positions of the parties are revealed, the points of greatest difference and the points of possible convergence of positions are determined.

When the conflict is reversed, the teacher carries professional responsibility for the correct resolution of the situation of the conflict: the child nursery is a model of welfare, deviances will conquer the social norms of living among people.

Liferozuminnya match those reasons by the participants,conflict The eyes of the teacher and the children work differently. The presence of other preschool children in conflict transforms them from evidence on the participants, and the conflict gains a spiritual sense.

The professional position of a teacher is to take the initiative to resolve the conflict and to put in the first place the interests of special interests that are being formed. But all the same, the children of conflicts are easier to overcome, less successful to win.Oskіlki edagogovі vіdvoditsya role posterіgacha-intermediary, then yogo head meta – tsіlespryamuvaniya vplіv schodo usunennya reasons that gave rise to conflict, prevention of behavior of the participants in the conflict, ensuring normal exchange is more important than verbal actions of the participants in the conflict, in order to stink alone them. The identity of the teacher in the conflict is not the subject itself and the material of the conflict, but the formal side of the relationship, that is. yoga organization.


Also, as a result of a theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem of conflicts between children of preschool age in the game activity, we come to the nextvysnovkiv:

    Under the conflict, the most important way of resolving significant contradictions is understood, which is blamed on the process of mutual modality, which is used in opposition to the subject of the conflict and sound accompanied by negative emotions. The conflict has a single structure: subject, object, subject, participants, conflict subdivision, conflict situation.

    Among the reasons for blaming conflicts between preschool children in children are as follows: ruining the game, when choosing the main game by those people, according to the warehouse of the participants in the game, through roles, through games, to drive the plot of the game, to drive the correctness of the game.
    The conflict situation overgrows in conflicts only for spіlnih іgrovyh dіyah dіyakh іt odnolitkіv. The situation is similar in vipadkas, if it is super-sharpness: between unilateral and objective abilities of children in grі (the rest appear lower than they could) or between the needs of children and uniliters (you need to know beyond the borders of gri).

    Having learned more about the development of types of conflict in preschool children, having delved deeper into the essence of this, one can judge whether the methods can be more effective than the other way around, and how the methods of play can be more effective in pedagogical methods.



meta gri : increase respect, physical vitality, coordination of movements, purposefulness
Necessary materials and learning aids: a long and small skein, 2 toys, fun music.
Hid gri
Have tsіy grі can take the fate of 2 graves. Vaughn is a variation on a visible bike. The participants are tied one to one with a motuz by the belt. With this stench, back to back is rotting. On the vіdstanі meter vіd them sіd put a toy or whether it be some other object. At the command of the leader, the participants can make a lot of toys. It is necessary for the skin of them to be pulled over to your own bik supernik. It will end in that mood, if some of the participants in the distance have their own toy.


meta gri : raise respect, memory, communicative and analytical vibes, caution
Necessary materials and reference help: a light vision of the firank.
Hid gri
All the participants spit their eyes, and the host chooses one of them and puts yoga for a firanka. Let's keep our eyes open, and the host will explain the task. Children are responsible for knowing who is behind the curtain (or just analyze who is not among them). Then we are guilty of guessing the yakomog more than one of his features (the color of the eyes, the wines have clothes, like the new hair, etc.), so that the yakomog is guilty of giving the exact yogic portrait. If the lads hang on their shoulders, you can win a grave for a firnka, and reshta pat, how important letters are described.
As the participants of the gris of a small century, the rules of the gris can be explained to the extent that the stench flattens the eyes. So the stench can already purposefully analyze the soundness of one and the same and remember more richly than other vibes.


meta gri : develop communication skills, coordination, respect, caution
Necessary materials and background help: cheerful music.
Hid gri
Have tsіy grі take the fate of at least 6 osib. Most of the gravel is only hovering.
All the participants are to blame one by one and put their hands on their shoulders to stand in front. Gravets, who appears first, be direct and leading. The lads are obliged to guard the leader and follow strictly in the footsteps. For the help of music, you can mourn and uplift Rukh. How can the boys cope with these tasks, yoga can be folded. The leader can show not only directly, but yakіs cunningly ruhi. For example, shifting on one nose, shifting in the rhythm of lambadi (whom the music helps), like manipulating hands thinly. Those participants, as if they didn’t run into the bosses, vibrate from the lancer.


meta gri : develop communication skills, respect, coordination, analytical skills
Necessary materials and study aids: stilts for skin participant, cream for one.
Hid gri
Tsya gra is suitable for cob acquaintance. It helps to establish contact between children, avoiding the appearance of an informal situation.
The mustache participants, the crime of one (wine will be the first leader), may sit on the pillars. At this hour, the leader is guilty of naming a sign, sleeping for all (or for some) participants. You can also have a hair color, state belonging, wardrobe details, etc. Pіslya moreover, as wine yоgo name, tі participants, to which the name is assigned, they are guilty of commemoration. With the help of the leading meta - you yourself should take the stіlets. That participant, who did not succeed in sіsti on stіlets, becomes new. Vіn may name a new capacity, I will create a united number of participants. Now, behind the team, the stench may be remembered by missions.
For the leader, it is important to rob raptovo, so that you yourself can take a seat.

wax wand

Objective: Close children in bed with other children, develop the skills of empathy, trust them to the point of delight.

Hid gri: All the participants in the group stand up one to one, watching one to one. At the center of the stake there is one of the participants. The one who stands at the center (wax stick), flattens his eyes and relaxes as much as possible; yogo rozgodyuyut reshta participants in the group. Bazhano, a skin child to the group


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